31 - 40 of 222 results


Book number: 92016 Product format: Hardback Author: MARY BEARD

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Bibliophile price £4.00
Published price $24.95

Sub-titled 'The Body, The Divine, and The Question of Civilisation', the popular TV historian Mary Beard takes a look beyond the familiar canon of Western imagery. She offers an expansive survey of world history to show how religion has long inspired art, from the Hindu temple at Angkor Wat to the exquisite calligraphy of Islamic mosques, whether describing the church of San Vitale at Ravenna and how early Christian artists depicted Jesus, or examining the role of vanity in Renaissance art through Tintoretto's Crucifixion. All religions have wrestled with idolatry and iconoclasm, destroying art as well as creating it, and within her book, Mary Beard redefines the Western-centric legacies of Ernst Gombrich and Kenneth Clark, revealing a new legacy for future generations. Mary Beard begins her history with a meditation on the human body and its varied representations across epochs starting from the gigantic 3,000 year old stone heads carved by the Olmec of Mesoamerica, Greek bodies, the Emperor of China and the power of images, supersizing a Pharoah, the artfulness of Islam, Bible stories, Hindu images, the scars of battle and more. 240pp with beautiful colour plates.

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ISBN 9781631494406

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Book number: 92203 Product format: Hardback Author: NEIL BURDESS
Bibliophile price £6.00
Published price £14.99
TWO MINUTES TO MIDNIGHT: 1953 The Year of Living Dangerously
Book number: 92146 Product format: Hardback Author: ROGER HERMISTON
Bibliophile price £5.00
Published price £20
SELF-PORTRAIT: A Cultural History
Book number: 92433 Product format: Paperback Author: JAMES HALL
Bibliophile price £4.00
Published price £18.95
CLASSICAL ART: A Life History from Antiquity to the Present
Book number: 91331 Product format: Hardback Author: CAROLINE VOUT
Bibliophile price £8.50
Published price £34
Book number: 87043 Product format: Paperback Author: EDWARD MARSTON
Bibliophile price £4.00
Published price £8.99
MANIFESTO: On Never Giving Up
Book number: 92430 Product format: Hardback Author: BERNARDINE EVARISTO
Bibliophile price £4.00
Published price $27

Browse these categories as well: Last Chance to buy!, Art & Architecture, History, Religion & Philosophy

MADAME TUSSAUD: Her Life and Legacy

Book number: 92025 Product format: Hardback Author: GERI WALTON

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Bibliophile price £5.00
Published price £19.99

'Curious Busts from Nature as Large as Life,' was just one advertisement for Madame Tussaud's wax work exhibition. Madame Marie Tussaud launched her chain of wax museums more than 200 years ago but what few people know is that her original wax models were often based on famous and infamous people that she was acquainted with during and after the French revolution. Madame Tussaud created many figures in wax, from the philosopher Voltaire (of whom she said, 'the dross wants separating from the gold'), French lawyer and statesman Maximilien Robespierre (who Marie said she witnessed surrounded by his victims' relations on the way to his execution at the guillotine), and leader of the French revolution, Napoleon Bonaparte, whose relics were displayed in her exhibition hall in London in 1843. Marie Tussaud took to wax making under the tutelage of Dr Philippe Mathé Curtius, who made a name making anatomical models for medical students, and was employed by him in 1777. She travelled to England in 1802, mainly because she felt France was volatile and its economy declining under the rule of Napoleon, but also because she said she was escaping an 'unsupportive and worthless' husband. Marie then launched a display under her own name in London in 1808. The exhibition hosted a Chamber of Horrors, the Napoleon Rooms, the Great Room in which there were gilt ornaments in the style of Louis XVI and a Hall of Kings section featuring Henry VIII, Mary Queen of Scots and the Hanoverians. Through this book. discover the sad place wax had in Marie's personal life as, when her daughter Marie Marguerite Pauline died six months after she was born on 1 September 1797, all Marie had to remember her by was a wax sculpture she had made before her child's death. Learn that she knew murder was a popular attraction for the public in the early 19th century and so, when an Irish soldier in the English army conspired but failed to assassinate King George III, she began devising a plan to obtain a copy of his severed head even before his execution. The book also includes fantastic images, from a shot of Marie's death mask and a model of Madame du Barry called The Sleeping Beauty, to a wax figure of Queen Victoria as seen today at the exhibition. Black and white images, 234pp.

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ISBN 9781526734082

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Book number: 92259 Product format: Hardback Author: DR CHRIS MCNAB
Bibliophile price £5.50
Published price £25
Book number: 94170 Product format: Paperback Author: HENRI CHARRIERE
Bibliophile price £5.00
Published price £9.99
Book number: 93533 Product format: Paperback Author: JÜRGEN SORGES
Bibliophile price £12.00
Book number: 93566 Product format: Hardback Author: SILVANO LEVY
Bibliophile price £12.50
Published price £40
WIVES OF GEORGE IV: The Secret Bride & The Scorned Princess
Book number: 93430 Product format: Hardback Author: CATHERINE CURZON
Bibliophile price £7.00
Published price £20
Book number: 93413 Product format: Hardback Author: SIAN LYE
Bibliophile price £6.50
Published price £19.99

Browse these categories as well: Last Chance to buy!, Art & Architecture, Historical Biography

SKETCHBOOK WAR: Saving the Nation's Artists

Book number: 92169 Product format: Paperback Author: RICHARD KNOTT

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Bibliophile price £6.00
Published price £9.99

The Bombing of GHQ Boulogne by Edward Ardizzone, Dunkirk: Embarkation of Wounded by Edward Bawden, An Old Battleground by Richard Seddon, Dangerous Work At Low Tide by Eric Ravilious and September 3rd 1939 by Henry Moore with barely human half drowned figures staring wildly are among the colour plates chosen for this collection of nine stories of courage, tenacity, inventiveness and persistence. During WWII, British artists produced over 6,000 works of war art, the result of a government scheme partly designed to prevent the artist being killed. The book tells the story of these nine war artists who ventured closer to the frontline than any others in their profession. In addition to the above mentioned were Barnett Freedman, Anthony Gross, Thomas Hennell, Albert Richards, and John Worsley who all travelled abroad into the dangers of war to chronicle events by painting them. They formed a close bond, yet two were torpedoed, two were taken prisoner, and three died, two in 1945 when peace time was at hand. Men who had previously made a comfortable living painting in studios were transformed by military uniforms and experiences that were to shape the rest of their lives, and their works significantly influenced the way in which we view war today. Some of the artists paintings and sketches have been included such as Henry Moore's Swimming Off the Southcoast on the Day War Broke Out - the stark coming together of a blue late summer's day and the looming blood-filled threat of war as a sky in the near distance, the first sight of the war the reader gets in this pictorial record of those six tragic years. The sequence of dates and locations provides a different kind of diary or journal. Full of biographical detail and so many aspects caught through the fine artists' eyes and into paint - the phoney war, evacuees harvesting, portraits of the great and the good, and the ordinary like gun manufacture, aerodrome runways, tanks rumbling through France, small boats at Dunkirk, anti-aircraft defences and bomb damage. 'John Worsley stood disconsolately near the wire, hands in pockets, eyes fixed on a point beyond the perimeter fence. That was dauntingly high, well over a man's height, with concrete posts at regular intervals... To his right was a wooden watchtower, under whose shadowy roof were more guards, crouched over machine-guns, watching him as he stared at the point where freedom began.' 240pp, well illustrated paperback, colour plates.

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ISBN 9780750956154

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Book number: 90862 Product format: Hardback Author: ILDEFONSO FALCONES
Bibliophile price £2.50
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Book number: 90868 Product format: Paperback Author: GEOFF DYER
Bibliophile price £2.00
Published price £7.99
Book number: 91527 Product format: Paperback Author: DOM JOLY
Bibliophile price £3.00
Published price £9.99
Book number: 91357 Product format: Hardback Author: RICHARD RHODES
Bibliophile price £1.75
Published price £20
Book number: 91777 Product format: Paperback Author: ARTHUR C. CLARKE
Bibliophile price £2.50
Published price £8.99
Book number: 91708 Product format: Hardback Author: MICHAEL ROBINSON
Bibliophile price £12.50
Published price $35

Browse these categories as well: Last Chance to buy!, War & Militaria, War Memoirs, Art & Architecture

ART FROM MILINGIMBI: Taking Memories Back

Book number: 92196 Product format: Paperback Author: CARA PINCHBECK

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Bibliophile price £4.00
Published price £25

Aboriginal art from the 1950s, the collection showcases much of an impressive holding of around 230 works collected by the Art Gallery of New South Wales, Australia. On the small island of Yurriwi, more commonly known as Milingimbi off the coast of Arnhem Land, gathered in groups in the deep shade of the tamarind trees along the beach, artists of varying ages and experiences worked alongside one another to create exquisite bark with jewel-like surfaces that capture the complexities of land, seas, sky and cultural inheritance in one seemingly abstracted image. Beautifully painted in brilliant local pigments, the generally diminutive scale of these works belies the complexities they capture. There are also paper bark figures bound in handmade string and boldly painted for example of a sea canoe, a decorative string made with human hair, feathers and inner-bark fibre, woven baskets made of pandanus leaf, sculptures, pipes, spearheads, spear-throwers, and paintings depicting an emu nest and eggs, long-necked tortoises, snakes, crayfish, dogs and other animals, waterlilies and spirits, fish and stingrays. Finely carved wooden objects are adorned with intricate designs and delicate feather forms, the origin of which lay in ceremony, the creative endeavours of these men have many functions and represented their cultural identity. There are particular moments in the history of art when exceptional things happen, and thankfully developed in close collaboration with the community, this rare exhibition catalogue reproduces archive photographs in black and white from the 40s to the 1960s of the community at work plus full page colour images of a great number of the museum's collection. 146 page large softback.
Click YouTube icon to see this book come to life on video.

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ISBN 9781741741285

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Book number: 91421 Product format: Paperback Author: ALEX FOWKES
Bibliophile price £5.00
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ARABIC SCRIPT: Styles Variants and Calligraphic Adaptations
Book number: 91322 Product format: Paperback Author: GABRIEL MANDEL KHAN
Bibliophile price £6.00
Published price £18.99
PHALLIC FRENZY: Ken Russell and His Films
Book number: 93409 Product format: Hardback Author: JOSEPH LANZA
Bibliophile price £6.50
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Book number: 92517 Product format: Paperback Author: Sue Coccia
Bibliophile price £3.50
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Book number: 92567 Product format: Hardback Author: CLAIRE MESSUD
Bibliophile price £1.75
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Book number: 92576 Product format: Paperback Author: MIRANDA MALINS
Bibliophile price £5.00
Published price £14.99

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ARCHIPOPS: Six Pop-Up Notecards: Bridges

Book number: 87890 Product format: Unknown Author: CORINA FLETCHER

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Bibliophile price £7.50
Published price £16.95

The finest paper engineering on quality white card, the line art literally pops into 3D with fluorescent orange on the reverse of the card making a reflective image on the outline scenery behind. Six of the world's most remarkable bridges are seen in a new perspective. They are Tower Bridge in London, the Rialto Bridge Venice, Millau Viaduct France, Sydney Harbour Bridge Australia, Brooklyn Bridge New York and Wind and Rain Bridge in Chengyang China with its beautiful pagoda shapes and wooden rails, large in the foreground and seemingly disappearing into the woodland hillside. One each of six designs, each of these large quality cards comes with a white envelope with fluorescent inside. On the reverse of each card is the location, architect, date, height, length and type of bridge from the cable stay suspension bridge built on floating cassions which gradually sank into the bedrock in New York to Sir Horace Jones's combined bascule and suspension construction of our favourite, Tower Bridge. All are exquisitely constructed from paper. A quality item, boxed for safekeeping.

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ISBN 9780500420782

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Book number: 92831 Product format: Paperback Author: THE GIFTED STATIONERY COMPANY
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Book number: 93127 Product format: Unknown Author: SAMS
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Book number: 93263 Product format: Paperback Author: JILL WRIGHT
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Book number: 92418 Product format: Hardback Author: CHARLOTTE CHASTEL-ROUSSEAU
Bibliophile price £3.50
WISDOM'S WORKSHOP: The Rise of the Modern University
Book number: 92436 Product format: Hardback Author: JAMES AXTELL
Bibliophile price £4.00
Published price £30

Browse these categories as well: Miscellany/Stationery, Art & Architecture, NOTECARDS AND POSTCARDS

SEVEN STARS: Ancient Astronomy and the English Public House

Book number: 92334 Product format: Paperback Author: HUGH KOLB

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Bibliophile price £5.00
Published price £15

Many histories of inns, taverns and the English public house have been written over the past 150 years, but the name the Seven Stars stands out as a special case. Compared to many other images used for pub signs, the depiction of seven stars has a wide range of cultural and literary associations. They appear in religious and astronomical context, in the Bible, have been adopted by the Freemasons. This special book traces the meaning and origins of the sign back 1,500 years to the legal codes of the Anglo-Saxons and beyond that to the mythological astronomy of the ancient Mediterranean region. It is believed that the sign of the Seven Stars originated in the star cluster of the seven Pleiades which was considered to be a bunch of grapes in the sky in a Dionysian and Bacchic world view, and therefore used as a suitable tavern sign. The first half of the book briefly tells the history of public drinking and the oldest and most interesting Seven Stars pubs going back to the 14th century. The first image is of Ye Olde Seven Stars, Withy Grove Manchester in 1908, a half timbered house displaying the sign 'The oldest licensed house in Great Britain licensed over 540 years.' The second part of the book is a discussion of the various meanings that have been proposed, many based on ideas from ancient astronomy. The distribution of the older pubs with the name is closely related to the areas of the Saxon and Mercian law codes that were in operation after the Danish invasions of the 9th and 10th centuries. The conclusion is that the symbolism involved retains surviving ideas from the mythological astronomy but were lost in the areas dominated by Scandinavian values where the social and political role of drinking establishments was distinctly different. Featuring rare archive photographs of interiors decorated with clocks and badges and banners, the book delves into religious symbolism and the Immaculate Conception, the Book of Enoch, the Masons, the solar system, the Seven Stars of Taurus, stars and monasteries and how the hexagram or six pointed star was a symbol for beer in parts of Germany in the Middle Ages and still found to the present day. Beautifully illustrated in colour throughout this large format 240 page softback.

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ISBN 9781911604976

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Book number: 92836 Product format: Paperback Author: THOMAS GEVE
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LUNATIC: A Practical Guide to the Moon and Back
Book number: 92024 Product format: Paperback Author: KATRIN SWARTENBROUX
Bibliophile price £5.00
Book number: 92611 Product format: Hardback Author: Anthony Adolph
Bibliophile price £7.00
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Book number: 92666 Product format: Paperback Author: ALASTAIR ARNOTT
Bibliophile price £8.50
Published price £20
EYEWITNESS TO HISTORY: From Ancient Times to the Modern Era
Book number: 92504 Product format: Hardback Author: HYSLOP, SOMERVILLE, THOMPSON
Bibliophile price £13.50
Published price £25
Book number: 92800 Product format: Paperback Author: BERYL DHANJAL
Bibliophile price £6.50

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Book number: 92341 Product format: Hardback Author: JAMIE CAMPLIN & MARIA RANAURO

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Bibliophile price £10.00
Published price £24.95

Another exquisite Thames & Hudson publication and a companion to In Search of a Masterpiece. What was Gauguin hinting at when he painted Milton's Paradise Lost into a portrait of a friend? Is it a girl or a boy who is denied control of the books in Renoir's Portraits d'enfants? How did a chance encounter with Sir John Lavery bring fame to the owner of a small red book? Was it true that no one ever saw Picasso with a book in his hands? Why were the Cumberland girls reading The Fashionable Lover in George Romney's commissioned portrait? Beginning with the question 'What is a book?', this companionable survey for art and book lovers alike explores the symbiotic relationship between the development of books and the emergence of our modern sense of the importance of the individual artist. It parades and interprets the work of many of the greatest artists in the last 500 years and explains how and why books became the single most ubiquitous feature of our cultural lives, an enlarged measure of our everyday existence. The book looks at courtly cultures and their undercurrents, reading matter, the painting of modern life, the word of God, 'book love' and the home, why artists love books, who invented the 'artist' and the pleasure of reading in multiple locations. In a wonderful gallery towards the end of the book there is a depiction in colour of a young man fashionably adopting the French look, reading love poems as the red carnation suggests. 'Books bound in old brown calf, which are lying on tables or on bookshelves', and there?s an exciting almost photographic looking 1879 painting The Bibliophile of old men stooping over a bookstall in old Seville, a pair of Victorian ladies in a train carriage, one reading one asleep, and Degas's 1885 pastel of Mary Cassatt at the Louvre, the seated figure with an indispensable guide book. Alma-Tadema paints a cornfield at Godstone, Surrey to show how a book allows complete privacy and pleasure in an English Arcadia. There is art from Karolina Max, Winslow Homer, Corot, and Munch with his Christmas In the 'Brothel' where Madame reads and her dressed-up girls talk beside the Christmas tree. Edward Hopper, J. M. W. Turner, Van Gogh, here are the Bloomsbury set and hundreds of gifted artists from collections around the world in these 165 colour illustrations with an erudite and witty text connecting gender differences, religious systems, symbols of all kinds, education, changing patterns of transport, social status, romance, the imagination of children, literary lives, sex, friendship, bathing, scientific discovery and books as aids to reflection. Books tell us all about ourselves. 256 large pages.

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ISBN 9780500252253

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AWAKE IN THE DREAM WORLD: The Art of Audrey Niffenegger
Book number: 92644 Product format: Hardback Author: AUDREY NIFFENEGGER
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Book number: 92662 Product format: Hardback Author: ZADIE SMITH
Bibliophile price £4.00
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Book number: 92668 Product format: Hardback Author: JODY ENDERS
Bibliophile price £4.00
Published price £63
Book number: 92422 Product format: Hardback Author: BARBARA STOLLBERG-RILINGER
Bibliophile price £4.50
Published price £22
Book number: 27592 Product format: Paperback Author: Unknown
Bibliophile price £1.45
Book number: 92560 Product format: Hardback Author: MARK BILLINGHAM
Bibliophile price £4.00
Published price £18.99

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Book number: 92358 Product format: Hardback Author: CELESTE FARGE ET AL

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Bibliophile price £12.50
Published price £35

A British Museum and Thames & Hudson co-production with 203 illustrations, the book tells the story of the reception of the Parthenon sculptures in the modern era, as well as Rodin's continued engagements with them throughout his life. Famous for The Thinker and The Kiss, Auguste Rodin drew energy and inspiration from the art of Classical antiquities, and he absorbed and assimilated the modes of ancient Greek and Roman art in his own work in innovative ways. The Parthenon sculptures in particular were a lifelong passion and he first encountered them in books, plaster casts at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris, and some originals in the Louvre, and then drew them first-hand on several visits to the British Museum. He amassed a collection of antiquities, including many fragments of marble sculpture, which he regarded as complete objects in themselves and introduced the idea in his own work of the headless, limbless torso as an object of art, much influencing his contemporaries. Here is all the emotion and the motion, and essays and texts by such experts as Celeste Farge and Ian Jenkins on the French Romance for Greek marbles, and Bénédicte Garnier on The Thousand Parthenons of Auguste Rodin. Rodin rejoiced in the Parthenon sculptures as precious survivors of the art of Pheidias, the most famous sculptor of all antiquity, and in him Rodin found a spiritual companion and mentor. Rodin's modernism bridged the abyss of time, and the headless, armless The Walking Man seems to stride into the 20th century announcing a new purpose for sculpture, for art, for mankind. Exquisitely printed and bound with hundreds of full page and double page spreads, illustrations, close ups and working plasters, Rodin at work in photographs and old gelatine silver prints, with large pull quotes, this is a rare exhibition catalogue Bibliophile is lucky to offer at a discount. 240 very large pages.

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ISBN 9780500480304

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FREE WORLD: Art and Thought In The Cold War
Book number: 93157 Product format: Hardback Author: LOUIS MENAND
Bibliophile price £6.00
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PORTRAIT: The Life of Thomas Eakins
Book number: 93411 Product format: Paperback Author: WILLIAM S. MCFEELY
Bibliophile price £4.00
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PHALLIC FRENZY: Ken Russell and His Films
Book number: 93409 Product format: Hardback Author: JOSEPH LANZA
Bibliophile price £6.50
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Book number: 93396 Product format: Paperback Author: EDITED BY BLAIR WORDEN
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Book number: 93020 Product format: Paperback Author: EDITED BY LEE JOHNSON
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Book number: 93178 Product format: Paperback Author: LUCY FISHER
Bibliophile price £4.50
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Book number: 92380 Product format: Hardback Author: FLORINE ASCH & C. DESROCHES

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Bibliophile price £6.50
Published price £16.95

Exquisitely designed and produced by the Parisian publisher Flammarion, the cloth binding is embossed with hieroglyphics in this landscape format tome full of beautiful watercolours. As the day breaks spilling warm, honeyed light over Cairo, Florine Asch sets out with her sketchpad, pencils and paintbrushes. In her journey through this ancient and mysterious land she encounters the sandstone hills of Abu Simbel, the Pyramids of Giza, the baroque elegance of Cairo's grand interiors, a spring in the middle of the desert, sailing boats seen from the terrace of the Old Cataract, Wady Kardassy Temple at Nubia, the Isle of Carr Ibrim, makes a rendition of David Roberts' two painters, the Temple at Edfu, a turquoise earthenware sphinx, a shepherd boy, terraces and hotels, shops and people all beautifully drawn by her hand. From the tranquillity of a felucca floating down the Nile to the bustle of the spice stalls in the market, here is life in the city and the beauty of the desert all come to life under her brush. With handwritten captions throughout and short text, quotations and full page watercolours. 11" x 8½", gorgeous illustrations.

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ISBN 9782080304391

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LILIES: Beautiful Varieties for Home and Garden
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Book number: 92874 Product format: Hardback Author: EDITED BY PHILIP NORTON
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Book number: 92381 Product format: Paperback Author: PHAIDON EDITORS

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Bibliophile price £6.75
Published price £14.95

With beautifully designed flexicover and colour coordinated pages in red, orange, pale green and lilac, the book contains over 1,000 buildings including more than 50 additional projects, each accompanied with a single colour image, description, addresses, websites, phone numbers, whether exterior and or interior can be viewed, abbreviations whether they are commercial buildings, cultural, educational, government, public, recreation, religious, residential, sports, tourism or transportation buildings. Organised geographically by Oceania, Asia, Europe, Africa, North America, South America, there are hundreds of locator maps and one to three entries per page in this condensed travel edition contained in the 'Phaidon Atlas of 21st Century World Architecture'. We can see into places now out of bounds like the Russian Federation Copper House built by Sergey Skuratob Architects, a brightly green six story apartment block in the metal framework or Atrium Architects' Boarding School in Moscow with its portico-like structure on inclined columns supporting a cascade of inner staircases defining the lobby. A fantastic way to appreciate what we see when we are travelling. Remainder mark. 472pp, colour.
Click YouTube icon to see this book come to life on video.

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ISBN 9780714848785

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31 - 40 of 222 results