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Book number: 93433 Product format: Hardback Author: VICKY STRAKER

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Bibliophile price £9.50
Published price £25

Sub-titled 'The Life and Times of Dorothy Peel OBE', the author is the great-great granddaughter of Mrs Peel who wrote many books on cookery and household management. Dorothy's recipes are featured in their original form such as the long forgotten Devilled Bananas and wartime Potato Gateau, Chicken en Casserole, Cheese Pufflets and delicious teatime treats such as Feather Tart and Candied Pears, Nursery Cake and Madeleines. From the Foreword: 'She was an enlightened woman, who lived long before her time. She wrote with great passion on other subjects too like Women's Suffrage, homosexuality in the Great War, the work carried on by women, the rationing of food during it and the heavy burden women carried with great stoicism and dedication to keep life going on as normal as possible. Soon I was asked to do Granny Dot's lunches, teas, dinners and given cake or biscuits to comment on... I was very pleasantly surprised at how delicious they were... simplicity and the very few ingredients they contain.' Apart from recipes, Mrs Peel in all her books gives advice and suggestions that are all very up to date. For instance she writes about fruit 'Fruit, if fresh, is better eaten raw, as in the cooking its value is destroyed.' She refers to bone stock, fried chopped onion and a little Worcestershire Sauce, well seasoned and spice 'excellent and when mixed with crumbs or cooked, rice can be made into croquettes or rissoles.' This is similar to how any contemporary thrifty cook will cook. Mrs Peel gives the recipe of an Italian Macaroni Pie which is her version of the many pasta pies made up and down the Italian peninsular using a little baking powder in the shortcrust pastry. The book explores the social and cultural history and how Dorothy played a key role and was awarded an OBE in 1918 for services to the Ministry of Food. Using extracts from her autobiography, her witty, poignant and informative comments reveal a woman with a genuine social conscience. The many original wartime recipes also include Scalloped Salmon, Maize Woodcock, Anchovy Butter and Ragout of Mutton. 200 splendid large pages, colour and archive photos.

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ISBN 9781473828582

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CROSSLEY ID GUIDE: Britain and Ireland
Book number: 93483 Product format: Paperback Author: RICHARD CROSSLEY & D. COUZENS
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NEW WOMEN IN THE OLD WEST: From Settlers to Suffragists
Book number: 93497 Product format: Hardback Author: WINIFRED GALLAGHER
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Book number: 94046 Product format: Paperback Author: CLARE BAILEY & JOY SKIPPER
Bibliophile price £9.00
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Browse these categories as well: Food & Drink/Cookery, Historical Biography


Book number: 93434 Product format: Paperback Author: STEVE WARD

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Bibliophile price £3.00
Published price £12.99

The circus is a very British institution, and its imagery is everywhere from brightly coloured circus posters to advertising motifs, seen in films, toys and games and in our language - juggling the finances, walking a fine wire, clowning around, and putting one's head into the lion's jaw. The brightly coloured big top and razzmatazz are very much an American import. The whole world of the circus has a long and colourful history, but it was with a man named Philip Astley that the 'modern' circus was founded, 250 years ago plus, in April 1768. He pegged out a circular ride on the banks of the River Thames and gave performances of trick riding to a paying audience. An accomplished horseman, military hero and instinctive showman, above all Astley was an entrepreneur who realised that people would pay good money to be entertained and entertained well. He created the comic character of Billy Buttons and other acts were added to his performances - clowns, rope dancers, tumblers and strongmen. The book goes back to his early days as an apprentice cabinetmaker and his military exploits in the 15th Dragoons, to his trials and tribulations of establishing himself as a respected performer and his international successes in France and Ireland. He truly was a larger-than-life figure. Includes quotes from newspapers and letters of the time. 126pp, paperback.

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ISBN 9781526706874

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Book number: 91230 Product format: Paperback Author: NICK BARKER
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LAST MILLION: Europe's Displaced Persons from World War
Book number: 92426 Product format: Hardback Author: DAVID NASAW
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Book number: 92802 Product format: Paperback Author: ENID BLYTON
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Book number: 92512 Product format: Paperback Author: JULIETTE RIZZI
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Book number: 93109 Product format: Paperback Author: NIGEL CAWTHORNE
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ROYAL WITCHES: From Joan of Navarre to Elizabeth Woodville

Book number: 92947 Product format: Paperback Author: GEMMA HOLLMAN

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Bibliophile price £7.00
Published price £16.99

England in the 15th century was dominated by the Wars of the Roses in which descendants of King Edward III struggled for power. Edward's son John of Gaunt had numerous children by two wives, and they all divided into the factions of Yorkists and Lancastrians in the next two generations. Out of this melee emerged a series of strong women who wielded great power, including the "she-wolf" Margaret of Anjou. The author of this book focuses on four women who were all accused of witchcraft as a way of reducing their power, or that of their husbands. Joan of Navarre was the second wife on the Lancastrian Henry IV, a widow who wrote encouragingly to the new king shortly after he had seized the crown from the Yorkist Richard II and lost no time in marrying him. When Henry died and his son Henry V defeated the French at Agincourt, Joan was in a difficult position as her daughter's husband had fought with the French and was killed. Henry V now plundered his stepmother Joan's vast wealth and finally brought a charge of witchcraft against her and Friar Randolph, leading to her arrest and detainment. When Henry died his son Henry VI was only an infant, and Humphrey Duke of Gloucester became Protector. Humphrey's wife, Elanor Cobham, had been his mistress until his first marriage was annulled, and her precarious position at court was strengthened by Joan of Navarre's favour, but when Humphrey lost influence over Henry VI to his great rival Cardinal Beaufort, Eleanor was tried for witchcraft and imprisoned, with Humphrey also being disgraced and possibly murdered. Jacquetta of Luxembourg, the sister-in-law of Lancastrian Henry V, became a Yorkist following her marriage to Richard Woodville and gave birth to Elizabeth Woodville, later the Queen of Yorkist Edward IV. Both woman were accused of witchcraft and exonerated. 320pp, softback, genealogical tables.

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ISBN 9780750989404
Browse these categories as well: Historical Biography, History, Feminism


Book number: 93488 Product format: Hardback Author: EDMUND MORRIS

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Bibliophile price £11.00
Published price £38

In 1931, when Thomas Edison was at the end of his life, it was suggested to President Hoover that the entire electrical system of the United States should be shut off for one minute as a mark of respect for the man who mobilised the power of electricity. Fortunately Hoover realised that the gesture would immobilise the nation and quite possibly kill a lot of people. Even turning the lights out was unthinkable. Since his birth in 1847 Edison's discoveries had changed everything. This big and authoritative biography takes the unusual step of recounting Edison's life in reverse. It is at the end of the book that we finally learn of the interest in science and discovery that was awakened in the young Thomas, or Alva as he was known then, by his mother's home schooling, and which extraordinarily was not stifled by his deafness at the age of 12. Edison left home to become a telegraph boy in the southern states at the time of the Civil War, when faster communications were being developed. He developed a method of receiving Morse code on cylinder tape and managed to patent the invention, though he also had to suffer setbacks, jealousies and obstructive bureaucracy. By this time he was running his own business. In 1871 he married his first wife Mary, aged 16, who died aged 28 leaving Edison with three children. His second wife Mina bore three more children, neglecting the offspring of his first marriage, whose chaotic lives caused endless anxiety to their troubled father. Edison's laboratory at Menlo Park was the scene of thousands of experiments that led to the invention of the phonograph, which he was still perfecting decades later, early forms of X-ray which were used by surgeons to locate embedded bullets, and invention of the storage battery. The goal of creating a mass-market electric light was a long time in development in the 1880s but finally assured his place in history. Altogether Edison had over 1000 patents to his name. 783pp, black and white reproductions. Remainder mark.

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ISBN 9780812993110

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Book number: 93246 Product format: Hardback Author: BRUCE HALES-DUTTON
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HARLEY-DAVIDSON: The Ultimate Encyclopedia
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SMOKE! 8 Detachable Posters
Book number: 93726 Product format: Unknown Author: ENDEAVOUR
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Book number: 93508 Product format: Paperback Author: SOPHIE COLLINS
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Book number: 93506 Product format: Hardback Author: A. JAMES MCADAMS
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Book number: 93496 Product format: Hardback Author: TRANSLATED BY RACHA KIRAKOSIAN

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Bibliophile price £5.00
Published price £20

The 13th century mystic Christina of Hane is only just beginning to achieve the same kind of fame as other female mystics such as Julian of Norwich. Our main source is the Life of Christina, translated here with a scholarly Introduction, and found in a manuscript dating from the late 15th century, but almost certainly incorporating 13th and 14th century material. Christina may have been a younger sister of the 13th century King Adolf of Nassau, and although the Life modestly claims that she did not know Latin, the evidence suggests she was a highly educated woman. According to the Life, she entered the convent at the age of six, returning to her family when the convent was in financial difficulty. On her return she experienced overwhelming temptations, particularly of a sexual nature, and gave herself a self-punitive programme to combat the seven Cardinal Sins. Elements of self-harming are comparable with those of other female mystics, but particular to Christina is the damage she inflicts on her vagina, the details of which suggest biological knowledge unique in medieval sources. She flagellates, puts nettles in her bed, and probably experiences the stigmata. In modern terminology, her mortified body becomes the performative stage of her sanctity. The middle section of the Life consists of direct speech from a vision of Christ, and the final part is a treatise on the Annunciation. The editor relates the Life to the Helfta mystics Mechthild and Gertrude, together with later Rhineland mystics such as Meister Eckhart, details which may have been added by a later scribe. Peculiar to Christina is the motif of an animated sculpture, when a statue of the Virgin Mary comes to life and slaps her in the face. Theological discussion includes whether Mary could have been free of Original Sin. 144pp, excellent Introduction.

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ISBN 9780300250992

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FREDERIC CHURCH: A Painter's Pilgrimage
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Book number: 93505 Product format: Paperback Author: CHRISTOPHER HILL

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Bibliophile price £5.00
Published price £14.99

Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress is one of the great classics of English Literature, arising out of the Puritan religion that was at the heart of England's Civil War and Oliver Cromwell's Commonwealth. Christopher Hill was a leading historian of the 17th century and this biography of Bunyan aims to "set Bunyan against the history of his own turbulent times". Bunyan joined Cromwell's Parliamentary army in 1644 and was discharged in 1647. The following years led to his conversion and are described in his autobiographical account Grace Abounding. Bunyan was well-versed in the Bible but had a strong sense of his own sin, and came to oppose the popular movements led by Ranters and Quakers because they did not give him assurance of salvation. For Bunyan, conversion was not a once and for all event but had constantly to be renewed, and the story of the Pilgrim's Progress is one in which the hero, Christian, has to overcome recurring temptations and soldier on in spite of the ravages of Despair. In common with most Puritans, Bunyan regarded preaching as the chief means of salvation, and his work as a popular preacher led in 1660 to his being imprisoned for 12 years for seditious activity. His wife and five children struggled to support themselves, and prison conditions were often harsh, but he was able to receive visitors and also to write Part I of The Pilgrim's Progress. At the Palace Beautiful, signifying the congregation of the faithful, the pilgrim is given a sword and armour, and this reflects the liberation experienced by the New Model Army, where ordinary working people like Bunyan were supplied with arms. A fascinating study combining history, theology and literary analysis. 394pp, paperback, footnotes.

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ISBN 9781784786861

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BLACK BANNERS OF ISIS: The Roots of the New Caliphate
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Book number: 93369 Product format: Hardback Author: SIMON WINCHESTER

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Bibliophile price £5.00
Published price £10.99

A young girl seven years old maybe, naked of shoulder and chest and dressed in decorously disarranged linen rags is lazing coquettishly against a crumbling garden wall of limestone and sandstone, standing in a corner in her bare feet. She looks with a calm directness right into the camera lens, her face bearing an expression of impish, secret knowledge, a winsome look that manages to be both confident and disturbing. The picture is a portrait of Alice Pleasance Liddell, the daughter of the Dean of Christchurch College, Oxford, the great classicist and lexicographer Henry Liddell. Charles Dodgson, who had befriended the girl and already photographed her several times, encouraged her on this occasion to dress for him as a starveling and beggar-maid. The result is one of the most memorable photographic likenesses ever taken, heavy with uneasy resonances, but later having powerful literary consequences and association that remain with us to this day. Dodgson, a lecturer in mathematics, took the photograph on a summer's day in 1858 with a Thomas Ottewill Registered Double Folding camera, recently purchased in London. Acclaimed biographer Simon Winchester deftly uses the image, as unsettling as it is famous, as the vehicle for a brief excursion behind the lens, a focal point on the origins of a classic work of English literature, Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. Dodgson's love of photography framed his view of the world and was partly responsible for transforming a shy and half-deaf mathematician into one of the world's best-loved observers of childhood. The book marks the origins of Dodgson's lifelong fascination with very young girls, how he encountered a very different world when sent to Rugby School in 1846 and his keen interest in astronomy and symbolic logic and his academic life in Oxford when it was his time to invent himself a wholly new life and live on an entirely different plane. 110pp. Oxford University Press.

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ISBN 9780195396195

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MOST DANGEROUS BOOK: The Battle for James Joyce's Ulysses
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Book number: 93379 Product format: Hardback Author: SARAH-BETH WATKINS

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Bibliophile price £4.25
Published price £19.99

Nell Gwyn would be aged about 10 when Charles II became king. At this time Nell lived in a slum with her mother and sister but soon she joined the theatre in Drury Lane, initially selling oranges. Women were now allowed to act on stage for the first time and Nell was spotted by two entrepreneurs who began training her as a comedienne. Following a spell in the country when the plague struck, Nell started to make a name for herself and was described by Pepys as "pretty, witty, Nell Gwyn". When her chance came, she directed a wink at the Royal box and was rewarded by an invitation to Charles's apartments. A famous liaison had begun, but Nell had rivals. One of them was the actress Moll Davis, and the jealous Nell contrived to give Moll a laxative before one of her evenings with the King, assisted by her friend Aphra Behn, a well-known female playwright and spy. Nell was much in demand as an actress, performing in plays by Dryden and Ben Jonson as well as more popular entertainments. She was becoming a star, and the King was impressed. He now spent more time with her than with his long-time mistress Barbara Villiers. In 1669 Nell became pregnant and gave birth to a son but was secure in the knowledge that she was now the main mistress, and was granted a house in Pall Mall soon afterwards. Nell was eventually supplanted by Louise de Kerouaille, whom Lady Worcester insulted by calling her a "tall French bitch" before kicking her repeatedly. Nell continued her friendship with the King and his associates such as Rochester until the end of her life, and this book details some fascinating examples of her involvement in political intrigue, including making sure that Charles was visited by a Catholic priest before his death. 184pp, black and white reproductions.

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ISBN 9781399000567

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Book number: 93383 Product format: Hardback Author: ANDREW ROBINSON

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Bibliophile price £6.50
Published price $29.95

Sub-titled 'The Revolutionary Life of Jean-François Champollion,' rightly regarded as the founder of Egyptology. Ancient Egypt fascinated the ancient Greeks and Romans including Alexander the Great. It still fascinates us more than any other ancient civilisation, but no Greek or Roman could read the elaborate Egyptian hieroglyphs. For almost two millennia the hieroglyphic script became a 'lost language', until the discovery of the Rosetta Stone by Napoleon's soldiers in Egypt in 1799. Despite the efforts of some of Europe's most intelligent scholars, including the English polymath Thomas Young, to crack the hieroglyphic code, it was an impoverished, arrogant and brilliant child of the French Revolution Jean-François Champollion who made the vital breakthrough. This finely illustrated biography charts his dramatic life and achievements and how, against the odds, Champollion led an expedition to Egypt with royal backing, lived in the tomb of the Valley of the Kings, and made the voices of the Pharaohs and their subjects speak. His obsession eventually drove him to an early death at the age of only 41. Chapters also cover the Curator at the Louvre and In Search of Ramesses and the First Professor of Egyptology. A memorable and beautifully written historical detective story, first time translated into English and here in fine heavyweight Oxford University Press hardback. Very well illustrated throughout, 272pp.

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ISBN 9780199914999

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DAUGHTERS OF GEORGE III: Sisters & Princesses

Book number: 93387 Product format: Hardback Author: CATHERINE CURZON

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Published price £19.99

In the dying years of the 18th century, the corridors of Windsor echoed to the footsteps of six princesses. They were Charlotte Princess Royal (1766-1828), Augusta (1768-1840), Elizabeth (1770-1840) he "farmer", Mary Duchess of Gloucester (1776-1857), Sophia (1777-1848), and Amelia (1783-1810), the daughters of King George III and Queen Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz. Though more than 15 years divided the births of the eldest sister from the youngest, these princesses all shared a longing for escape. Faced with their father's illness and their mother's dominance, for all but one a life away from the seclusion of the royal household seemed like an unobtainable dream. Tutored in the arts of royal womanhood, they were trained from infancy in the skills vial to a regal wife but as the king's illness ravaged him, husbands and opportunities slipped away. Yet even in isolation, the lives of the princesses were filled with incident. From secret romances to dashing equerries, rumours of pregnancy, clandestine marriage and even a run-in with Napoleon, each princess was the leading lady in her own story, whether tragic or inspirational. In The Royal Nunnery: Daughters of George III, take a wander through the hallways of the royal palaces, where the king's endless ravings echo deep into the night. Raised in seclusion, although one would escape, her sisters were destined to remain the prisoners of a turbulent royal household. From Windsor to Württemberg via summer jaunts to Weymouth, their lives were forever changed by the infamous madness of George III. Meet urbane equerries and gossiping governesses, secret marriages to scandalous pregnancies and leeches to love affairs in a world where protocol was everything. 32 illus, 186 pages.

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