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Sub-titled 'How Friendship, Optimism and Kindness Can Help You Live to 100', this research-driven book proves how strong social networks will help us live to a great age. Science journalist Marta Zeraska has sifted through countless scientific papers and interviewed dozens of experts in the fields of molecular biochemistry, epidemiology and neuroscience. What she discovered shattered her long-held beliefs about ageing and longevity. A strong support network of family and friends lowers mortality risk by about 45%, while exercise only lowers it by about 23%. Volunteering in your free time lowers it by 22% while certain health fads like turmeric haven't been shown to help at all. In addition to healthy nutrition and physical activity, deepening friendships, practising empathy and contemplating your purpose in life can improve your lifespan. Through 11 chapters Zeraska takes us around the world, from catching wild mice in the woods of Oxfordshire to flower arranging with octogenarians in Japan, from laboratories to 'hugging centres'. She looks at immortal animals, zombie-killing pills, mortgage worries, why feeling all alone may shorten your life, attachment and social grooming, random kindness and superheroes and how meditation and mindfulness boost health. 294pp in large softback.

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