Book number: 94376 Product format: Hardback Author: MARGRET & H. A. REY

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Bibliophile price £7.00
Published price £12.99

The creators of Curious George, one of the most treasured children's classics of all time, escaped Paris by bicycle in 1940, carrying their original manuscript which they published in America together with many stories for children including Spotty and Pretzel. Bibliophile is excited to have negotiated on two titles to collect, and the stories now have been filmed for Apple TV+. One morning in May, five little dachshunds are born. At first they all look exactly alike. But Pretzel keeps growing... and growing... and growing! He becomes the longest dachshund in the world! He easily wins a Blue Ribbon at the dog show, but winning Greta's heart is much harder. The little dachshund across the street simply doesn't 'care for long dogs'. It may be a stretch, but Pretzel is in love! Can he convince Greta that he's more than what meets the eye? And he really can make shapes like a pretzel! Beautifully drawn, full page colour artworks, ages 4-7 years, 32pp, 18.4 x 26cm. A companion to the sequel Pretzel and the Puppies code 94377.

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ISBN 9780358659600

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