51 - 60 of 100 results

SUPREME SACRIFICE: A Small Village And The Great War

Book number: 92938 Product format: Paperback Author: WALTER REID

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Bibliophile price £4.00
Published price £9.99

From the Prologue: 'These men were, as Shakespeare had put it, 'but warriors for the working day'. Much can be learned from them: not least we learn the awfulness of war. They never questioned the rightness of what they were doing. Some of them were unfortunate in their backgrounds. They might have resented what they were being asked to do. All of them, certainly, were asked to do more than any man should be. But British soldiers, unlike the armies of their allies, never broke collectively: there were no mutinies.' This is the story of 72 men from one village who fought and died in the Great War. They were awarded very few medals, and their military careers were unremarkable, except in the respect that they, like countless other civilians, answered their country's call in its time of need. The war was not won by the professional soldiers of the original British Expeditionary Force, superlatively professional as it was, because by the end of 1915 it no longer existed, its place first taken by volunteers and then by conscripts. The book traces the lives of these sons of Bridge of Weir, not just as soldiers, sailors and airmen, but as members of a small community which felt their loss intensely. At the same time it is also the story of the politicians and generals who planned the war and how it played out over four horrific years. The men from Bridge of Weir fought on the Western Front, Gallipoli, Mesopotamia, Palestine, Salonika, the Italian Front and East Africa, in the Mercantile Marine, the RAF, and Canadian and ANZAC Forces as well as the British Army and Royal Navy. With the larger picture, the stories of the 72 men, the third intention of the book is to tell the story of the war, why it was fought, how it was fought and why it was fought in that way. A unique and poignant picture of the First World War. 259pp, paperback. Archive photos, two maps and a diagram of army structure and strength and the order in which the men died by name, rank, regiment, date of death, age and place.

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ISBN 9781780273501

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10,000 NOT OUT: The History of The Spectator 1828-2020
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RESOLUTION: Two Brothers, a Nation in Crisis, a World at War
Book number: 92937 Product format: Hardback Author: DAVID RUTLAND & EMMA ELLIS
Bibliophile price £2.75
Published price £30

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Book number: 92610 Product format: Paperback Author: BRUCE HENDERSON

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Bibliophile price £4.50
Published price £12.99

Sub-titled 'The Untold Story of the Jews Who Escaped The Nazis and Returned with the US Army To Fight Hitler'. After Hitler came to power, some desperate Jewish families were able to send their sons out of Nazi-occupied Europe to America. When the United States entered World War II, these young men returned as U.S. soldiers to fight for their adopted homeland and for the families they had left behind. They did so knowing full well what the Nazis would do to them if they were captured. Known as the Ritchie Boys, they became one of the U.S. Army's greatest secret weapons, for they possessed a unique mastery of the German language, culture, and psychology, all of which they used as members of elite intelligence teams assigned to every major combat unit in Europe. They interrogated German prisoners of war and collected key tactical intelligence on enemy strength, troop and armoured movements, and defensive positions that saved American lives and helped the Allies win the war. These young men had the greatest motivation to fight Hitler's anti-Semitic regime. The Pentagon came up with a top-secret plan to harness their expertise by training them in the art of prisoner interrogation and so off they were sent, back into the belly of the beast, Jews returning to Nazi Germany to occupy the very front lines of battlefields across Europe. Many of them re-entered Europe on D-Day. Reminder mark, 429 page illustrated, paperback.

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ISBN 9780062852649

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Book number: 94038 Product format: Paperback Author: IAN ROBERTSON
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WOMEN ON THE HOME FRONT: Serving the Nation in Photographs
Book number: 93870 Product format: Hardback Author: MIRRORPIX
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Book number: 93869 Product format: Paperback Author: RICHARD STONEMAN
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MAGNA CARTA: The Places That Shaped the Great Charter
Book number: 93865 Product format: Paperback Author: DEREK TAYLOR
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THAMES AT WAR: Saving London from The Blitz

Book number: 92273 Product format: Hardback Author: GUSTAV MILNE

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Bibliophile price £9.00
Published price £19.99

During the Blitz, the very familiar sinuous shape of the Thames under moonlight directed waves of bombers to valuable targets like warehouses, industries, power stations, offices, docks and the associated housing. From 1940 to 1945, the German Airforce (the Luftwaffe) inflicted 101 daylight and 253 night-time air raids on London causing more than 80,000 fatalities or serious injuries and extensive devastation. In all that mayhem caused by high explosives, incendiaries, parachute mines, rockets and fire storms, the city was also faced with the very real possibility of major flooding whenever bombing seriously breached the river wall and its defences. This superbly researched and illustrated book describes the vital role and unsung achievements of the London County Council Emergency Repair Team, ably led by Chief Engineer Thomas Peirson Frank. Three rapid response units were formed and in the event undertook repairs to over 100 breaches of the flood defences. We also learn of the fate of London's docks and bridges, and of the ships, boats and barges lost in the estuary and tideway and the fieldwork of the Thames Discovery Programme, the community-based archaeological team working on the foreshore. The book catalogues incidents dealt with by each of the four regional T-F depots, located on the Isle of Dogs, in Southwark, Battersea and Greenwich, the work of the Auxiliary Fire Service (AFS) later the National Fire Service. Some 80 years on the book pays tribute to the non-combatants who kept the major port running and saved London. 208pp, very well illustrated with hundreds of archive and modern images.

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ISBN 9781526768025

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Book number: 93213 Product format: Paperback Author: STEPHEN TWIGGE
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BAT, BALL AND FIELD: The Elements of Cricket
Book number: 93151 Product format: Hardback Author: JON HOTTEN
Bibliophile price £7.50
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Book number: 92973 Product format: Paperback Author: JACK HOLROYD
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Book number: 92302 Product format: Unknown Author: CHRISTIAN LACROIX
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Book number: 93768 Product format: Hardback Author: PHILIP GOODALL
Bibliophile price £7.00
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Book number: 93530 Product format: Paperback Author: MICHAEL RUNKEL, S. WEISSENBORN
Bibliophile price £12.00

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Book number: 93178 Product format: Paperback Author: LUCY FISHER

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Bibliophile price £4.50
Published price £9.99

Sub-titled 'The Last Heroines of Britain's Greatest Generation', and with a foreword by Baroness Betty Boothroyd, the book tells the stories of 10 of the last surviving female members of Britain's greatest generation. Whether flying Spitfires to the front line, code breaking at Bletchley Park, plotting the Battle of the Atlantic, or working with Churchill, each of these women made crucial contributions to the conflict overseas, and helped to buttress the home front. Centenarian Christian Lamb, who served as a plotter in the Battle of the Atlantic, agrees that amid the horror and tragedy of the conflict, there were positive outcomes for her sex. Women were spared a great deal of burden she explains, and there was a certain amount of freedom to be had. Catherine Drummond, now aged 99, had volunteered as a wireless operator. Some of the ten women came from backgrounds of grinding poverty, while others enjoyed gilded childhoods before joining the war effort. Joy Hunter, now aged 95, had served as a secretary in Winston Churchill in the subterranean Cabinet War Rooms beneath Whitehall. 102-year-old Jaye Edwards had an airfield in Yorkshire as the base from which she worked as a pilot delivering Spitfires to the front line. The range of military roles that women were permitted to perform expanded as the war dragged on. And the war was in some ways a great level between classes as women of all social backgrounds were drafted in to help. The book opens with a story of Margaret Turner born 18th of May 1923, who, at the age of 16 when the war broke out, volunteered as a nurse in the Voluntary Aid Detachment and witnessed a lot in just the first 12 months. With a reporter's eye for detail, Lucy Fisher artfully weaves together interviews and wartime diaries and letters in a vivid oral history. 318 pages in paperback with 16 pages of colour and archive photographs of the women as youngsters and at the age they were interviewed.

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ISBN 9780008456146

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FREE WORLD: Art and Thought In The Cold War
Book number: 93157 Product format: Hardback Author: LOUIS MENAND
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Book number: 93214 Product format: Paperback Author: JOHN DURNFORD-SLATER

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Bibliophile price £5.00
Published price £13.99

The real and exciting story of one of the most important units of World War Two. The Commando Unit played an important role in Britain's successes and here Durnford-Slater gives his first hand and unique point of view on everything that happened. Brigadier Durnford-Slater raised and trained the first Commando Unit in 1940, created to harry opposition forces in raids impossible for regular army units. He led No.3 Commando on an exploratory operation in Guernsey in summer 1940 and never looked back. From there No.3 Commando orchestrated raids on the Losten Islands and Vaagso in Norway and Dieppe, as well as operations in Sicily, Italy, France and Germany. The Commandoes were so effective at creating destruction that Hitler personally ordered that all fighters captured during these missions be executed. Nevertheless their spirit remained undented and extremely high. From their inception as a raiding force to their ultimate development into a battalion-sized spearhead, and their important support in the D-day landings, this first-hand account is a unique portrayal of the Unit's exploits and the personalities of the men who wore the green beret. The book was originally published in 1953 when the memories were still fresh and be warned there are descriptions of many deaths and damage. Paperback edition, 217pp with lovely big line art maps and archive photos reproduced in black and white to the best quality possible given their age.

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ISBN 9781784385606

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FREEDOM: The Overthrow of the Slave Empires
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Book number: 93217 Product format: Hardback Author: MAJOR-GENERAL WILLIAM ALLAN,

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Bibliophile price £3.00
Published price £18.99

The Crimean War of 1854-56 was the first of the 'modern' wars. The opening round at the Alma was a direct throwback to the Napoleonic campaigns of 50 years earlier, whereas the Siege of Sevastopol was a foretaste of the Great War more than 60 years later. Based upon the correspondence of Lieutenant William Allan, a young Scottish officer serving with the 41st (the Welch) Regiment throughout the campaign, these letters provide insight into the experiences of the officers both in action and in their day to day lives, the ravages of ill health and the incompetence of those in authority. As a young subaltern, Allan was amongst the first to arrive in Turkey and during the following 21 months he served in Varna and fought at the Battles of the Alma, Little Inkerman and throughout the Siege of Sevastopol. He corresponded regularly with his family in Scotland about his life at the Front. He published these letters in 1897 in a very limited edition intended for family use. Now the editor W. Alister Williams has supplemented Allan's letters with those from other officers of the regiment and provided a narrative background to the events described. A complete Crimean nominal roll of the officers, non-commissioned officers and the men of the 41st Regiment has been compiled in the appendix. 224pp, illustrated. 2011 first edition.

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ISBN 9781844940721

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Book number: 93221 Product format: Paperback Author: DEREK TAIT

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Bibliophile price £3.00
Published price £12.99

What became known as the Great War began on 4th August 1914. It triggered a wave of patriotism. Scotland led the way with 320,589 men voluntarily enlisting before conscription began in 1916. Scots were in the forefront of many of the costliest battles and campaigns with the outcome that, per head of population, it is estimated by the University of Edinburgh that Scotland lost more men than all the belligerent nations apart from Turkey and Serbia. Anyone with a German sounding accent soon came under suspicion of being a spy. Railways were taken under government control and local businesses asked to supply motor vehicles for use by the Army or to supply horses, of which hundreds of thousands died during the conflict. 'Young men belonging to Edinburgh and the East of Scotland may enrol in the Edinburgh Battalion which is now being formed. All young men in the professional and commercial classes, university graduates, clerks, warehousemen, skilled artisans and athletes (between the ages of 19 and 35 inclusive), who are medically fit and whose height is 5ft 3" and upwards, with chest measurements of 34" at least, are invited to enrol their names now, and those of any friends who may wish to drill and train in the same battalion.' This book covers the historic city's involvement to the armistice in November 1914, describing in great detail what happened to the city and its people, their everyday lives, entertainment, spies and the internment of aliens living within the city. Edinburgh played a key role in supplying not only men but vital munitions and a role in caring for the many wounded soldiers returning from the Front. Of poor quality but nevertheless very interesting are dozens of archive photographs, including a procession of little girls in white dresses and tartan sashes parading along Princes Street carrying banners stating 'We are doing our little bit', a picture of the arrival of Christmas puddings at the Front, and a Shetland pony to be sold for the Red Cross, a sports day for wounded soldiers and the visiting American Ambassador. 141pp, large softback.

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ISBN 9781473828100

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Book number: 93223 Product format: Hardback Author: DAVID PRETTY

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Bibliophile price £2.50
Published price £17.99

Sub-titled 'The Life of Brigadier-General Sir Owen Thomas, MP, Father of the Welsh Army Corps'. Owen Thomas was a farmer and land agent from Llanbadrig, Anglesey, and an enigmatic character throughout his life. Never wishing to break ties with his birthplace, he carved a career for himself as a soldier and agriculture advisor in Africa, and as a pioneer rural Labour Member of Parliament, propelled by a vital and supportive local trade union movement. He is best remembered however as the man responsible for the formation of Lloyd George's Welsh Army Corps, raised in response to Kitchener's appeal for volunteers at the outbreak of the Great War. He persuaded many thousands of his countrymen to join his colours, and when his 'army' marched away from North Wales to face its destiny as the 38th (Welsh) Division, at Mametz Wood on the Somme, he was left behind, a frustrated and deeply hurt man. This biography provides a story full of adventure and promise but which resulted in anguish and pain. Owen Thomas's personal story offers a valuable insight into British colonial expansion in Africa, the response to military recruitment, the first stirrings of a political Labour movement in a rural county and although there is proof that he kept a diary while in East Africa, all his personal papers have been lost and only a handful of private letters have survived. The book is therefore dependent on contemporary newspapers, manuscript sources and official papers. The Welsh author gives due weight to the Anglesey background. 207pp, illus. and maps.

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ISBN 9781844940752

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Book number: 93233 Product format: Paperback Author: JOHN FIDLER

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Bibliophile price £2.75
Published price £9.99

In the summer of 1914, Lancaster, the ancient county town of what is properly the County Palatine of Lancaster, remained essentially the market town it had been for centuries, having been granted a borough charter in 1193 by King John. A key town on the main road from London to Carlisle (the modern A6), the Lancaster Canal opened in 1797, the railway had come early to Lancaster, there was an ancient grammar school and the Royal Lancaster Infirmary. and since the 18th century the castle had been a prison. At the outbreak of the First World War panic buying led to price rises for sugar in particular and many grocers rationed their supplies. The first news of the war was referred to the 5th (Territorial) Battalion of the King?s Own Royal Lancaster Regiment, which was due to begin its annual training near Kirkby Lonsdale on 2nd August. Training was cancelled and all units recalled to base, directed to guard the docks and warships in Barrow-in-Furness. Then they were sent by train to Didcot to guard the GWR line between Reading and Didcot and moved on to Sevenoaks before they embarked for France in February 1915. All those serving in the first two years of the war were volunteers and they suffered quite disproportionate losses. The 1st Battalion of the King?s Own formed part of the initial British Expeditionary Force and was soon in action at Mons and Le Cateau. Among the first to lose his life was their Commanding Officer Lieutenant Colonel Alfred McNair Dykes, a veteran of the Boer War, along with three officers and 83 other ranks including Private John Carney of Ridge Street among many other Lancaster men. The town was out of range for shelling from the sea or aerial bombardment, but did experience an explosion at its munitions factory in 1917. Apart from this the Mayor and council endeavoured to continue with their primary duties as far as possible in running the town. The Lancaster men received many awards for gallantry. 116pp in large softback with many archive photos and posters.

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ISBN 9781473846111

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Book number: 93239 Product format: Hardback Author: EDIT BY MALCOLM KEITH JOHNSON

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Bibliophile price £4.50
Published price £19.99

Sub-titled 'A History of the 12th (Pioneers) King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry 1914-1918'. Little is known or understood of the contribution made by the thousands of men who served with the original Pioneer Battalions. Building and repairing roads, bridges, railway lines, gun emplacements, and laying barbed wire to protect the front line were just some of the tasks that they performed on a regular basis. Fortunately the subject of the British Army's logistical support in the war zone during the new industrialised warfare that developed during 1914 and 1918 is now being examined in greater detail. The initial training the Battalion received laid the foundation of the spirit of discipline and self-sacrifice for which it was noted, whether serving with the Division or detached for special duty. When sent to Flanders for the Third Battalion of Ypres, their services were the subject of highly complimentary reports from the Corps and Army Commanders. The first person to be acknowledged in this reproduction of the history must be the original author, Captain R. Ede England, whose intimate knowledge of this Battalion allowed him to describe in detail the part it played and the difficulties experienced by these former miners and engineers who found themselves caught up in the world's first truly industrialised global war. The photographs included were taken by members of the Battalion, despite the fact that Army Regulations forbade the use of cameras at the Front. With use of recollections of former members and the Battalion's war diary as the basic framework on which to hang the stories of battles fought and hideous conditions endured, Captain England's approach to the telling of the story appears somewhat light-hearted but this simply may reflect his ability to see a lighter side to the grim reality that was all around him. Of course there were at the time many comical articles published in The Wipers Times by another Pioneer Battalion. Captain England also refers to the extent of the damage to the towns and cities of Northern France, and even to the very nature of the soil over which the battles were waged over four years. His figures show that during the Third Battle of Ypres in 1917, the 12th KOYLI laid 29 miles of light track railway carrying some 18,000 tons of ammunition in one week alone. The original readers of Captain England's book would have been familiar with the political, social industrial background of the time and such names as Maconochie's Stew, only one of a number of canned food stuffs that developed an unfortunate reputation with the troops. The Battalion performed with such distinction it gained the nickname 'The Yorkshire Guards'. 188pp, very well illustrated with photographs and map.

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ISBN 9781473868083

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