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DRAW BREATH: The Art of Breathing

Book number: 94405 Product format: Hardback Author: TOM GRANGER

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Divided into three parts, Body, Mind and Spirit, with each expanding on the last, this is a book that so many of us need for our nervous system and mind. Sub-titled 'The Art of Breathing, Mindfulness and Meditation', take this book, pick up a pencil, draw breath and unleash your curiosity and creativity using over 200 guided patterns, shapes and mandalas. Explore a naturally relaxing, flowing breathing rhythm in a technique combining mindfulness, yoga and breathtaking art. There are quotations such as 'He who knows himself is enlightened' from Lao Tzu, lightbulb ideas, how to change your tune and switch frequencies, reframe your brain, get lost in thought, and begin naturally uplifting your mood with these handy tips, OM based on Hindu spirituality, circles of life and divine breath. Beautiful pink and blue art and text, satin pagemarker, 158pp, 75 beautiful illus. and 30 unique and easy activities.

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Product Format Hardback
ISBN 9781787830332
Published Price £14.99

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MERMANIA: The Little Book of Mermaids

Book number: 94669 Product format: Hardback Author: RACHEL FEDERMAN

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We have just read in the Bristol Post this week that a woman left her teaching job to become a professional mermaid! Maids of the sea, sprung from ancient fish gods, reborn from the tragedy of forbidden love, combined with a seductive power of the half-bird sirens who sang to Odysseus, and a warning against temptation in the Middle Ages, today mermaids exist as everything from birthday party entertainment to a reclaimed site of political and particularly feminist power. Throughout history, everything from manatees and sea-cows to skate and seal have been mistaken for beautiful mermaids. Believed to cure asthma and earache, and warn of danger, here is everything you could ever want to know about these mythical creatures and their aquatic lore. From around the seven seas from Latvia and Iran to Haiti and Estonia, here is the mermaid throughout history and the many names they have been known by like kelpie, nix, sylphe, undine and water nymph and how if they traded their fins for life on land their lifespan would shorten dramatically, they would give up their voices and their tails and in return would be granted terrestrial romance or perhaps even a soul. Beautifully decorated coloured pages with over 100 spectacular artworks. 224pp.

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Product Format Hardback
ISBN 9780008358013
Published Price £9.99

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Book number: 94436 Product format: Paperback Author: MAURICE COTTERELL

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By the author of the bestselling 'The Tutankhamun Prophecies', this book was originally published in 2006 as 'The Celtic Chronicles: The True Story of the Holy Grail'. Using the same knowledge that enabled him to break the codes of the Mayas, Peruvians, Egyptians, and Chinese, Maurice Cotterell now follows the migration of the Celts 4,000 years ago from Asia, across Europe, to Ireland. His account of this epic journey together with his knowledge of the secret codes help him identify and locate the Holy Grail, the actual cup used by Christ and his disciples at the Last Supper. Cotterell explains the true story of the Grail and how it contains the secret super-science of the Sun and the higher orders of spirituality; how it was carried to England by Joseph of Arimathea; how in AD453 it was found by King Arthur who engraved it with the same esoteric information found on the Pyramid of Inscriptions in Palenque, Mexico, and the Gateway of the Sun at Tiahuanaco in Ancient Peru. His discoveries reveal that the Grail does actually radiate light, in accordance with the Arthurian legends, proving that the so-called legends are actually based on facts. Cotterell goes on to show how the holy cup was passed for safe keeping to the Monks of Lindisfarne, who copied the secrets of the Grail into the Lindisfarne Gospels and the Book of Kells. Fleeing from Viking raids, the monks carried their treasures to Ireland, explaining how the cup found its way to the Dublin Museum, where it rests today. 241pp in large softback with many illustrations and dozens of colour images.

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Product Format Paperback
ISBN 9781591430537
Published Price £15.99

Browse these categories as well: New Age & Occult, Religion & Philosophy, RELIGIOUS SYMBOLISM

GHOSTS: Amazing and Extraordinary Facts

Book number: 94718 Product format: Hardback Author: MALCOLM DAY

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Spook, ghost, wraith, phantom, spectre - what do they all mean? Are they all synonyms and is there a whole parallel universe out there made up of these entities? Since the world began, the human race has entertained ideas of the dead returning to haunt or guide the living and every civilisation is said to have a belief in spirits and today countless examples are found among the indigenous cultures of North and South America, Asia, Africa, and Australasia. Our forebears in the classical traditions of Greece and Rome paid heed to ghostly machinations. Homer described Hades as a place filled with shadowy ghouls that cry out beseeching the living for libations of freshly spilled blood. Battlefields were littered with spirits of the dead. Those who ferry across the Styx in Charon's boat would see shoals of dead souls swarming about the in the Aeneid. Seers, oracles, mediums and séances, haunted houses, headless Anne Boleyn in Bloody Tower, spooks at Hampton Court, poltergeists, apparitions at Versailles, phantom monks, displaced coffins, photographic evidence of ghosts, sightings in hotels and restaurants, workplaces and wars. Read of poets like Robert Graves glimpsing the walking dead, nighttime apparitions at Avebury, a ghost town in Arizona, Flight 401 to Miami and the crash in the Everglades, the phantom Lancaster bomber and phantoms of the stage, Shakespeare, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and spiritualism, ghost books and films, the wail of the banshee and ghost hunting. Whether you want to explore the disappearances surrounding the Bermuda Triangle or uncover the ghostly goings-on in the Mary Celeste, here are spine-tingling stories of ghosts past and present and unexplained events worldwide. 144 well illustrated pages, woodcut illus.

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Product Format Hardback
ISBN 9781910821183

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PSYCHIC POWERS: Unlock Your Natural Intuition

Book number: 94146 Product format: Hardback Author: SAHAR HUNEIDI-PALMER

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Paranormal perception, pre-feeling, perception of time, linear and circular time, time travel, rewriting the past with a visualisation technique, types of psychic abilities, the four clairs, clairvoyants (clear seeing), clairaudience (clear hearing), clairsentience (clear feeling), claircognizance (clear knowing). Check in with your body and learn tips for writing a powerful affirmation. Study your auric field through energy fields, high senses and interconnected universe, multi-dimensional reality, and sensing chakras. Develop your own intuition through self awareness, keeping an open mind, starting a creative hobby, a dream journal, listening to binaural sounds, chanting, candle flames and trees. At least 5,000 years have elapsed since the first attempt to speak with the dead or make future prophecies. For example the Ancient Egyptians used 'scrying' to read patterns created by dropping ink into water. The Mesopotamians did the same with oil, and after tea was discovered as a beverage in 2727BC, the Ancient Chinese began reading tea leaves. This beautiful book is your window into the world of psychic powers, telepathy and astral projection and you can even learn the art of channelling through automatic writing. 208 beautifully decorated gilt-edged golden pages. Gold blocked hardback. New full price publication.

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ISBN 9781398807969

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Book number: 94805 Product format: Paperback Author: Theresa Cheung & Claire Broad

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'Incredible True Stories of Heavenly Encounters and the Afterlife', the book is co-written with the medium Claire Broad. Together they share fascinating true stories of ordinary people who have experienced direct communication from the spirit world, and those who have received proof of survival through a reading with Claire. As well as examining the ways in which messages can come to us from the other side, the book outlines the latest scientific research on the afterlife and mediumship and answers important questions about what happens after we die. It shares practical steps we can all take to become more attuned to the medium that lies within us and recognise the signs that heaven is calling. The book outlines the many different ways that heaven may answer our prayers, offer us comfort and provide proof of survival. It includes the top ten afterlife signs, what near-death experiences can tell us, the meaning of visions and dreams, the importance of intuition and coincidence and advice on visiting a medium. 331pp with an appendix of interesting podcasts and YouTube videos. Paperback.

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Author Theresa Cheung & Claire Broad
Product Format Paperback
ISBN 9780349413020
Published Price £8.99

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Book number: 94810 Product format: Hardback Author: ANASTASIA GREYWOLF

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Sub-titled 'A Journal of Magick, Spells and Rituals', the journal includes an introduction to the essentials of witchcraft, writing prompts tailored to each spell allowing you to meditate on your intention, a place to record your practice for future reference and in this way it is both a journal and grimoire to document and reflect on your spell work. The word spell conjure up witchy rhyming incantations and black cauldrons and cruel evil women, but the truth is actually quite different. The Book of Shadows traditionally serves as a diary to record dreams, spells and outcomes, focussing on expert execution of rituals and ceremonies. There is a guide to candles, colours and their meanings such as gold for wealth, masculinity, luck, power, happiness and the sun, and blue for travel, communication and calm. There are herbs, crystals and stones, consecrated water, smudge sticks, flower essences, essential oils all explained. Written a little like a recipe book with plenty of space to write your notes into the journal with the prompts and beautifully decorated with colour artworks. 160pp.

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ISBN 9781577154303
Published Price £12.99

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Book number: 94812 Product format: Unknown Author: CHARTWELL BOOKS

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A modern seer's complete guide to developing intuitive abilities and mastering time-honoured tarot techniques used for divination. This big glamorous box set includes a 32 page colour illustrated guidebook, a deck of 78 full-colour large tarot cards guiding you through the most popular readings including Past, Present, Future and The Celtic Cross. Helpful illustrations assist deciphering every card in the deck as you learn each meaning, both upright and reversed. Understand the deeper meaning of ordinary events and reveal what your future might hold. Box measures 18.8 x 25cm.

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ISBN 9780785841357
Published Price £14.99

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Book number: 94823 Product format: Paperback Author: Chris Gosden

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Magic, religion and science are intertwined, and archaeology teaches us as much about ancient settlements and cultures and the history of magic in the human and spiritual world. 'From the steppes of Mongolia to the palaces of London and Paris, from prehistory to today, told through the lens of magic that has always existed alongside and within religion itself, here is a gripping ride of astonishing span. There are colourful characters, shaman, witches, kings, esoteric rites and revelatory research in this highly entertaining historical treasure trove' says Simon Sebag Montefiore. With his own magical touch, Gosden brilliantly reveals the place of magic in human societies from the Ice Age to the present day and this is of increasing relevance as we witness the growth of extreme cults in the post-truth era. Chapters include Magic in Mesopotamia and Egypt 4,000-1,000BCE, Chinese Magic 20,000BCE to the Present, Jewish, Greek and Roman Magic, The Magics of Africa, Australia and the Americas and Modern and Future Magic among them. There is a timeline of the global history of magic and many maps and illustrations including tomb artefacts throughout the text. Penguin paperback, 482pp.

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Author Chris Gosden
Product Format Paperback
ISBN 9780241997871
Published Price £12.99

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Book number: 94847 Product format: Paperback Author: Richard Wolfrik Galland

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The popular boardgame Catan is a timeless world waiting for you to explore, build and settle - and solve! The book even if you are unfamiliar with the game itself has 100 original puzzles providing a narrative adventure that allows you to discover the unsettled island of Catan, win resources and victory points which lead to success. The puzzles may be solved on their own or as part of a narrative that runs through the book which is fantastically illustrated throughout with more than 150 in-world artworks. The various puzzles affect your budding band of workers and tradesmen and you will be rewarded with a resource like lumber, ore, wool, grain or brick or reach an achievement like roads, settlements, cities and knights. After landing on these lush shores, guide your fellow settlers to peace and prosperity. You will need to keep your wits about you assigning jobs, managing resources, and decoding cryptic maps at the start of your perplexing responsibility. 100 puzzles, 10 themed chapters. Colour artworks, 224pp, softback 15.2 x 21cm.

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Author Richard Wolfrik Galland
Product Format Paperback
ISBN 9781787393905
Published Price £12.99

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