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Book number: 91650 Product format: Unknown Author: BLOCKBUSTER

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Bibliophile price £6.00

The terrifying jaws open, the teeth are sharp, the naked female swimmer on the water's surface is unaware. Retro jigsaw puzzle in high quality, plastic case inspired and designed after Blockbuster's old VHS cases. This 500 piece puzzle features art from the 1970's Steven Spielberg thriller, Jaws. The 500 durable pieces snap together firmly for a great fit and would even be perfect for framing. Measures 18" x 24" when complete. Let's all sing along now: Der dum... der dum..., der dum..., der dum der dum der dum!

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ISBN Unknown

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Book number: 23978 Product format: Paperback Author: RUDYARD KIPLING
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Book number: 91463 Product format: Paperback Author: IVAN BRETT
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Book number: 91527 Product format: Paperback Author: DOM JOLY
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Book number: 91265 Product format: Paperback Author: JOYCE CAROL OATES
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Book number: 92065 Product format: Hardback Author: TIM DEDOPULOS
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Book number: 92857 Product format: Hardback Author: BEN MCFARLAND & TOM SANDHAM
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Book number: 91504 Product format: Hardback Author: EDITED BY CHIP CARTER

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Bibliophile price £4.50
Published price £9.99

Star Trek Captain, explorer, diplomat, archaeologist and vintner Captain Jean-Luc Picard is a true Renaissance man of the 24th century. Discover his sage advice, insights and wisdom from the deck of the USS Enterprise and beyond. Engage. Picard's assimilation by the Borge in 2366 and subsequent separation from the Collective shook him to the core. To have his individuality and humanity suddenly stripped affected him for years afterwards. 'Things are only impossible until they're not!' 'It's ironic, isn't it? All this magnificent technology, and we still find ourselves susceptible to the ravages of old age. Loss of dignity. The slow betrayal of our bodies by forces we cannot master.' 'I prefer to look on the future as something which is not written in stone.' 'Mister Worf, villains who twirl their moustaches are easy to spot. Those who clothe themselves in good deeds are well camouflaged.' Beautifully designed, every page has a quote to ponder, its source from the Star Trek Next Generation series, and many colour film stills throughout. Beautifully designed, 208pp.
Click YouTube icon to see this book come to life on video.

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ISBN 9781507214732

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Book number: 92203 Product format: Hardback Author: NEIL BURDESS
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Book number: 93241 Product format: Paperback Author: CAROL ANDREWS
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Published price £14.95
Book number: 92628 Product format: Unknown Author: EDWARD ELGAR, IVOR GURNEY
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COCA WINE: Angelo Mariani's Miraculous Elixir
Book number: 92654 Product format: Paperback Author: AYMON DE LESTRANGE
Bibliophile price £4.50
Published price £25
REALITY FRAME: Relativity and Our Place In The Universe
Book number: 92690 Product format: Hardback Author: BRIAN CLEGG
Bibliophile price £7.00
Published price £20
Book number: 92904 Product format: Hardback Author: FRANCES LARSON
Bibliophile price £4.50
Published price £20

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THE GIRL: Marilyn Monroe, The Seven Year Itch

Book number: 91663 Product format: Hardback Author: MICHELLE MORGAN

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Bibliophile price £4.00
Published price £19.99

The film The Seven Year Itch precipitated Marilyn into her stratospheric status as a sex symbol, but according to this author, a lifelong Marilyn fan, it was also paradoxically the film that gave Marilyn the confidence to assert herself against the studio system and to establish herself as a businesswoman with a keen interest in contracts and finance. By the time she made Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, Marilyn was bored of her dumb blonde persona and seems to have married baseball legend Joe DiMaggio in order to get out of starring in The Girl in Pink Tights. When she landed The Seven Year Itch everything changed. The film fatally damaged her relationship with her second husband DiMaggio, who was unable to cope with the iconic image of Marilyn with her skirts blowing up around her. This was in spite of the fact that in her early career as a model Marilyn had posed for nude photographs, dividing opinion then and now as to whether this was a bold assertive act by a woman who needed to make her own living or a regrettable capitulation to a male agenda. Subsequent shows like There's No Business Like Show Business still failed to satisfy Marilyn, who let it be known she would like to star in films based on Dostoevsky. Abuse of women was widespread in the film industry and in 1955 she left her contract with 20th century Fox to start her own production company. At this time she also became involved with the Actors' Studio which taught Method acting, immersing yourself in every detail of a character, and the differences in their approach was at the root of the conflict between Marilyn and Laurence Olivier when they starred together in 1956 in The Sleeping Prince. 302pp, photos in black and white and colour.

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ISBN 9780762490592

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WIVES OF GEORGE IV: The Secret Bride & The Scorned Princess
Book number: 93430 Product format: Hardback Author: CATHERINE CURZON
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AWAKE IN THE DREAM WORLD: The Art of Audrey Niffenegger
Book number: 92644 Product format: Hardback Author: AUDREY NIFFENEGGER
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WOMEN ON THE HOME FRONT: Serving the Nation in Photographs
Book number: 93870 Product format: Hardback Author: MIRRORPIX
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Book number: 93672 Product format: Hardback Author: NEIL BRADBURY
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Book number: 93421 Product format: Paperback Author: MICHAEL PRESTWICH
Bibliophile price £5.75
Published price £14.99

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Book number: 91710 Product format: Paperback Author: SHAWN LEVY

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Bibliophile price £4.00
Published price $16

Robert De Niro is one of the greatest screen actors of his generation. With performances in Mean Streets, The Godfather Part II, Taxi Driver, The Deer Hunter and Raging Bull he dazzled moviegoers and critics alike, displaying a talent that had rarely been seen. Yet little is known about the actor off stage. An intensely private man whose rare public appearances are often marked by inarticulateness and palpable awkwardness, his biographer here seeks to understand the evolution of an actor who has dived deeply into his roles as if to hide his inner nature. De Niro now seemingly avoids acting challenges by taking less demanding parts. The book adds depths of understanding never before seen to his friendships with Martin Scorsese, Meryl Streep, Harvey Keitel, Shelley Winters, Francis Ford Coppola, Brian de Palma, Michael Cimino and Elia Kazan among others. He was a master chameleon and an astonishing risk taker diving as deeply into his roles as any method actor ever has and coming through them stronger and better. He had a supernatural, mysterious air and conveys danger, poetry, sex, loneliness, daring, intensity, surprise and thrills. He was as exciting a screen actor as had been seen since the heydays of Brando and James Dean. At the age of 38 he was just getting started having in the spring of 1981 won his second Oscar in six years for his role in Raging Bull, built on astonishing physical transformations and raw, wrenching emotions. He continued to appear in high quality projects with notable collaborators: Brazil, The Mission, Angel Heart, The Untouchables, Midnight Run, We're No Angels, Mad Dog and Glory, Heat, Wag the Dog, Jackie Brown, Ronin. He made three more movies with Martin Scorsese - Goodfellas, Cape Fear and Casino, and made his directorial debut with the tender and substantial A Bronx Tale. Analyze This was a clever movie, making comic hay of De Niro's tough-guy aura. The following year he appeared in Meet the Parents, a witty comedy and an even bigger box office hit. He had misfires in the 1970s and 80s and worked with directors of finite gifts and dubious reputations. And he played a neurotic gambler trying to connect with his troubled adult son in Silver Linings Playbook which earned him his first Oscar nomination in 21 years. Brilliantly researched 600 page paperback with colour and black and white photos. Remainder mark.

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ISBN 9780307716798

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Book number: 91027 Product format: Hardback Author: AMY-JANE BEER & DEREK HALL
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GIANT: Making of a Legendary American Film
Book number: 91714 Product format: Paperback Author: DON GRAHAM
Bibliophile price £1.50
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VOICES FROM THE PAST: A Year of Great Quotations
Book number: 92148 Product format: Hardback Author: W. B. MARSH
Bibliophile price £6.00
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Book number: 92289 Product format: Paperback Author: BRIAN CLEGG
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LOVE & DECEPTION: Philby in Beirut
Book number: 92441 Product format: Paperback Author: JAMES HANNING
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Book number: 92259 Product format: Hardback Author: DR CHRIS MCNAB
Bibliophile price £5.50
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GIANT: Making of a Legendary American Film

Book number: 91714 Product format: Paperback Author: DON GRAHAM

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Bibliophile price £1.50
Published price $18.99

Starring Elizabeth Taylor, Rock Hudson, James Dean and Edna Ferber, this is a brilliant study of a classic American film. Giant was an epic film of fame and materialism based around the discovery of oil at Spindletop and the establishment of the King Ranch of South Texas. Isolating his star cast in the wilds of West Texas, director George Stevens brought together a volatile mix of egos, insecurities, sexual proclivities, and talent. Hudson's promiscuity, Taylor's high diva-dom, and Dean's egotistical eccentricity, the film nevertheless made cinematic history and won awards including Best Actor for Dean, who died before the film was finished. In this impeccably researched narrative history, Don Graham chronicles the stories of Stevens whose trauma in World War Two intensified his ambition to make films telling the story of America; Edna Ferber, a considerable literary celebrity who meets her match in the imposing Robert Kleberg, proprietor of King Ranch; and Glenn McCarthy, an oil tycoon and Errol Flynn lookalike with a taste for Hollywood. 'Don Graham digs into Giant like a wildcatter drilling for oil... He provides colourful tales with minimal Texas exaggeration and a plethora of facts and anecdotes.' - Philadelphia Enquirer. 323pp, paperback with candid off-screen photos.

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ISBN 9781250212573

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Book number: 92565 Product format: Hardback Author: DANIEL LOEDEL
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HANDSOME JOHNNY: The Life and Death of Johnny Rosselli

Book number: 91716 Product format: Paperback Author: LEE SERVER

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Bibliophile price £8.00
Published price $19.99

'No one knew more about the mob, Hollywood, and Las Vegas than Johnny Rosselli.' Gentleman gangster, Hollywood producer, CIA assassin, Johnny Rosselli was at the centre of the 20th century's darkest secrets, straddling the underworld and the day's most compelling headlines. Al Capone's last protégé, Handsome Johnny flourished for an extraordinary half century, beginning in the bloody bootlegging of the Roaring Twenties until he was tapped to be the Mob's 'Man in Hollywood', seducing seductresses such as Jean Harlow and Marilyn Monroe, and becoming indispensable to Columbia Pictures boss Harry Cohen. Later Rosselli himself would even make movies, producing to the best film noirs of the 1940s. After a stint in federal prison, he was deployed by new Chicago boss Sam Giancana to oversee the creation of Las Vegas. He was the gambling mecca's behind-the-scenes power, running the town from his suites at The Tropicana and the Desert Inn, and enjoying Rat Pack nights with Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin. In his most unexpected and combustible role, Rosselli became a central figure in the Kennedy-era CIA's attempt to assassinate Cuban dictator Fidel Castro. And even that patriotic job as an assassin was not his final chapter... The biography is full of glitter, grit, guns and gams, a true rags-to-riches life. 532pp, paperback with 16 pages of photos.

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ISBN 9780312569921

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Book number: 91720 Product format: Hardback Author: JONATHAN GILL

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Bibliophile price £4.00
Published price £19.99

Sub-titled 'The True Tale of Boris Morros, Film Producer Turned Cold War Spy', here the Golden Age of Hollywood is the background to this story of a remarkable career. Boris Morros was a major figure in 1930s and 1940s Hollywood. A refugee from the Russian Civil War who had organised music for the last Tsar at the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg, Boris rose through the ranks to become the Head of Music at Paramount Pictures. He was nominated for Academy Awards, then went on to produce his own films with Laurel and Hardy, Fred Astaire, Henry Fonda and others, but as J. Edgar Hoover would discover, these successes provided a cover for one of the most incredible espionage tales in the history of the Cold War - Boris Morros was Stalin's man in Hollywood. Boris's assignments took him to the White House, the Vatican, and deep behind the Iron Curtain. The high-level intel he provided the KGB included military secrets and compromising information on prominent Americans. His Russian handlers even pushed Boris to interfere in American politics, attempting to swing a presidential election to their preferred candidate, but in 1947 Boris flipped, and the height of the McCarthy era, he played a leading role in a deadly serious tale. Jonathan Gill's book is an extraordinary story about Russian spies at the heart of American culture and politics who seamlessly wove together public and personal lives, making sure classical music luminaries like Gregor Piatigorsky and Jan Peerce were photographed at the 1947 wedding of Boris?s son, Dick. After going public and denouncing some of his oldest friends and colleagues as Soviet spies, Boris lived life to the fullest with his second wife Marion and they partied hard. Pink Millionaire Alfred Stern and his wife, the daughter of the US Ambassador to Nazi Germany from 1933-1937, provided the funds, and the fun, that supported Boris's career as a Soviet spy. Life is stranger than fiction. 323pp, well illustrated.

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ISBN 9781419740091

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SPIES AND STARS: MI5, Showbusiness and Me
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DAY THE MUSIC DIED: A Life Behind the Lens
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SPACE: Build Your Own Spaceship and Explore the Cosmos
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JOHN WAYNE CODE: Wit, Wisdom and Timeless Advice

Book number: 91724 Product format: Paperback Author: JAMES ELLIS & KAYTIE NORMAN

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Bibliophile price £7.50
Published price $15.99

During his 72 years and more than 150 films, John Wayne imparted a seemingly endless amount of advice, wisdom and good old-fashioned common sense to his audiences. That wealth of knowledge has been collected for the first time by the people who loved and knew him best from the official John Wayne Collector's Edition magazine and with the help of his youngest son Ethan. Featuring exclusive photos and stories and memorabilia from the family archives, it has a mock leather flexible cover and approximately 100 full page archive photos, some in colour, some film stills such as The Comancheros 1961 in typical cowboy outfit opposite a quote about Honesty: 'I suppose my best attribute, if you want to call it that, is sincerity. I can sell sincerity because that's the way I am.' On Patriotism: 'Just give the American people a good cause, and there's nothing they can't lick.' As Rooster Cogburn in True Grit 'Baby sister, I was born game, and I intend to go out that way.' With his friendly image and easy demeanour, the likeable Hollywood icon lives on through his words. Remainder mark. Softback, 144pp.

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ISBN 9781942556589

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Book number: 93140 Product format: Paperback Author: MATTHEW REILLY
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SUPREME SACRIFICE: A Small Village And The Great War
Book number: 92938 Product format: Paperback Author: WALTER REID
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RESOLUTION: Two Brothers, a Nation in Crisis, a World at War
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KEEP 'ER LIT: New Selected Lyrics

Book number: 91725 Product format: Hardback Author: VAN MORRISON

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Bibliophile price £6.00
Published price £14.99

Van The Man's storied career, from the seminal Astral Weeks, through recent albums such as Roll with the Punches and The Prophet Speaks, to see his songs presented as prose and poetry once serve to prove yet again that Van Morrison is one of the greatest singer-songwriters ever. Featuring 120 love songs, work songs, songs about the pains and anxieties of existence, a constellation, various kinds of spiritual quest and the realms of the mystical, dealing with healing and reconciliation and with the self and with others. Paul Muldoon said, 'This mix of genuine humility and hard-won hubris, of mysticism and technical mastery... makes Van Morrison quite simply, and quite indisputably, 'The Bard of Belfast'.' Lifetimes: 'You sit in silence and the river answers and I have loved you many, many years, I saw you standing by the wondrous river and I have come today to calm your fears. Those lifetimes, so many lifetimes with you. The boat man singin' far across the water. What is this feelin' in my heart and soul? The night-time angel spreads her wings around me and I feel the sadness and the river flows. Those lifetimes, so many lifetimes with you...' A magical anthology which will have you reaching for the vinyl. 242pp in elegant Faber hardback.

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ISBN 9780571353897

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LAST GIANTS: The Rise and Fall of the African Elephant
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ZAPPLE DIARIES: The Rise and Fall of the Last Beatles Label
Book number: 92909 Product format: Hardback Author: BARRY MILES
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SAY WHAT HAPPENED: A Story of Documentaries

Book number: 91736 Product format: Paperback Author: NICK FRASER

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Bibliophile price £3.00
Published price £20

In a lively book, these are the musings of a man who has thought deeply about his medium of documentaries. Why are they made? Who is in the tribe of documentary filmmakers? Do their films really change the world? Mark Cousins wrote 'When you film a documentary, life comes barrelling at you like a wild bear.' Some 20 years ago Nick Fraser created BBC Storyville, producing films that won Oscars, BAFTAs and Peabody Awards. He found filmmakers from all across the world covering important subjects in documentaries. His book describes the frenzied, intense world of documentary filmmaking, tracing its history back to the early pioneers such as Dziga Vertov and his ground-breaking 'Man with A Movie Camera.' The book deals with the British documentary tradition founded by John Grierson, and discusses the work of American masters such as the Maysles brothers, Frederick Wiseman and D. A. Pennebaker, as well as Europeans such as Marcel Ophuls, Claude Lanzmann, Chris Marker and Verner Herzog. He interviews acclaimed documentary filmmakers and discusses the work of Ken Burns, Errol Morris and Joshua Oppenheimer as well as listing his top 100 documentaries and where readers can watch them. In a world beset with 'fake news', he argues documentaries are better at getting at the verities about life and death, and that the new journalism will come from films made using new technology. Beautifully written and elegantly structured, it is a personal, funny and moving account which has helped the author recover from his 2017 stroke. 400 page large softback, illus.

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ISBN 9780571329564

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