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Book number: 94848 Product format: Paperback Author: PHILIP HOUSTON ET AL

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Imagine how different your life would be if you knew when someone was lying or telling you the truth. Former CIA agents Philip Houston, Mike Floyd and Susan Carnicero are among the world's best at recognising deceptive behaviour. Their book chronicles the fascinating story of how they used a methodology Houston developed to detect deception in counter-terrorism and criminal investigation realms, and how these techniques can be applied in our daily and business lives. Through thrilling anecdotes from their careers in counter intelligence, they provide a foolproof means of identifying deceptive behaviour, showing readers how to study nuances, both verbal and non-verbal, including hands to the face in response to a question, grooming gestures, invoking religion (I swear to God), repeating the question, qualifiers (basically) and much more. As your level of understanding increases you will be able to spot the subtleties of liars far more easily. 258pp, paperback.

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Product Format Paperback
ISBN 9781848315921
Published Price £9.99

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Book number: 94417 Product format: Hardback Author: TERRY TREADWELL

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We may well have heard of the Mastersons and Earps, but what about the Rangers, Sheriffs and other lawmakers in the early American West during its 19th century heyday? 'Treadwell starts with the first US Marshal, Robert Forsyth, who was also the first to die in service and then Colonel Charles Lynch who gave his name to extra-judicial punishment. One of the most famous and intimidating lawmen was 'Wild Bill' Hickok who was far from the upstanding citizen of popular culture. The town of Tombstone features in a group of tales involving various Earp brothers including Wyatt. Other famous names include Pat Garrett and Bat Masterson, Tom Smith, William Breakenridge, former slaves Bass Reeves and Grant Johnson, and the wonderfully named John Slaughter. There were Marshals, City Marshals, Constables, and County Sheriffs elected by citizens to keep the peace within the county. There were also the Texas Rangers and Arizona Rangers who operated under the jurisdiction of their respective State Governors and later US Marshals who were appointed by the President of the United States and had the authority to operate anywhere in the USA and deal with federal crime. These lawmen had to deal with the likes of the Dalton Gang, the James Brothers and the Rufus Buck Gang who thought nothing of raping and murdering innocent people just for the hell of it. These outlaws would frequently hide in Indian Territory where there was no law to extradite them. There Judge Isacc Parker administered the rules with an iron fist - the gallows at Fort Smith laid testament to his work. Peace in the Wild West was often determined only by the individual's skill with a gun and their courage. 246pp, many historical photos.

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Product Format Hardback
ISBN 9781526782335
Published Price £25

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Book number: 94418 Product format: Hardback Author: MATTHEW CONIAM

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J. B. Priestley said 'It was hot news indeed; something was happening for the first time in world history. I am no connoisseur of murder, but I fancy that in the grisly annals Crippen and his actual crime would not be given a prominent place; it is what happened afterwards that is important.' It was an open-and-shut case. Hawley Harvey Crippen, an American quack doctor had murdered his wife, the music hall performer Belle Elmore, and buried parts of her body in the coal cellar of their North London home. But by the time the remains were discovered he had fled the country with his mistress, disguised as his son. After a thrilling chase across the ocean, he was caught, returned to England, tried and hanged, forever remembered as the quintessential domestic murderer. But why did he leave only some of the body in his house, when he had successfully disposed of the head, limbs and bones elsewhere? Why did he stick so doggedly to a plea of complete innocence, when he might have made a sympathetic case for manslaughter? Why did he make no effort to cover his tracks if he really had been planning a murder? These are the tantalising questions that remain in a mystery nearly 100 years old. New DNA tests have been conducted in America which exploded everything we thought we knew for sure about the case and this book is the first to make full use of this astonishing new evidence. Written with the assistance of scientists, experts in law, toxicology and mortuary science. 236pp, photos.

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Product Format Hardback
ISBN 9781399009720
Published Price £25

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