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Book number: 94739 Product format: Hardback Author: Ye Luying and Yu Zhiying

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The book quite literally opens with a triple gatefold, a beautiful artwork with short text telling an ancient tale where underneath a river lives a beautiful goddess using ancient stylised Chinese depictions, the noble train of horses and porters approached the mountain of Jing. In pale greens for lush grass, the mermaid figure has a green fish-scale back, an alluring goddess. "She's a light as a swallow in flight and as supple as a flying dragon. Her face is even more radiant than the chrysanthemums that bloom in autumn..." Another five page gatefold then unfurls in an exquisite Chinese artwork foldout showing the beautiful goddess decorated with fine jade and gold, she skips as she walks here and there picking flowers and magically plucks out reishi mushrooms. We are told that these were used for medicinal purposes throughout China. There are stylised carp fish with beautifully decorated scales, waterlilies peeping up with eyes at the surface, tendrils of flowers and swirling water. "My heart was filled with love, but at the same time I was afraid of being tricked." This ancient Chinese poem was created by Caoz Zhi in the period 220-280CE. He is returning from the capital to his own land when he stops at the Luo River for a rest where he instantly falls in love with the goddess. He sees a nymph of peerless beauty and is swept away by her ethereal beauty. We follow the dreamlike journey and even more four-page gatefold pullout pages in a truly entrancing tale. There are more gatefolds with six dragons in a procession and whales and the magic continues over all 78 very large colourful pages, 29.2 x 29.4cm. Designed for ages 9-12, this is more likely to be collected by interested adults. There is an explanation of all the mythical creatures at the end such as Nüwa and Bluefish and Yanzi. Colour.
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Author Ye Luying and Yu Zhiying
Product Format Hardback
ISBN 9789888341948
Published Price £30

Browse these categories as well: Mythology, Early Learning for Children, Carousel2

PSYCHIC POWERS: Unlock Your Natural Intuition

Book number: 94146 Product format: Hardback Author: SAHAR HUNEIDI-PALMER

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Paranormal perception, pre-feeling, perception of time, linear and circular time, time travel, rewriting the past with a visualisation technique, types of psychic abilities, the four clairs, clairvoyants (clear seeing), clairaudience (clear hearing), clairsentience (clear feeling), claircognizance (clear knowing). Check in with your body and learn tips for writing a powerful affirmation. Study your auric field through energy fields, high senses and interconnected universe, multi-dimensional reality, and sensing chakras. Develop your own intuition through self awareness, keeping an open mind, starting a creative hobby, a dream journal, listening to binaural sounds, chanting, candle flames and trees. At least 5,000 years have elapsed since the first attempt to speak with the dead or make future prophecies. For example the Ancient Egyptians used 'scrying' to read patterns created by dropping ink into water. The Mesopotamians did the same with oil, and after tea was discovered as a beverage in 2727BC, the Ancient Chinese began reading tea leaves. This beautiful book is your window into the world of psychic powers, telepathy and astral projection and you can even learn the art of channelling through automatic writing. 208 beautifully decorated gilt-edged golden pages. Gold blocked hardback. New full price publication.

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Product Format Hardback
ISBN 9781398807969

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Book number: 94812 Product format: Unknown Author: CHARTWELL BOOKS

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A modern seer's complete guide to developing intuitive abilities and mastering time-honoured tarot techniques used for divination. This big glamorous box set includes a 32 page colour illustrated guidebook, a deck of 78 full-colour large tarot cards guiding you through the most popular readings including Past, Present, Future and The Celtic Cross. Helpful illustrations assist deciphering every card in the deck as you learn each meaning, both upright and reversed. Understand the deeper meaning of ordinary events and reveal what your future might hold. Box measures 18.8 x 25cm.

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Product Format Unknown
ISBN 9780785841357
Published Price £14.99

Browse these categories as well: New Age & Occult, Mythology


Book number: 94813 Product format: Paperback Author: S. Theresa Dietz

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The complete definitive encyclopaedia is now available for the first time in large softback, and Bibliophile is the first to acquire copies. It provides meanings, powers, facts and folklore for over 1,001 flower species organised by both scientific and common names, along with a beautiful colour visual depiction. The characteristics, historic meanings and powers from mythology, medieval legends, folklore and flower poetry, symbolic flower meanings have fascinated readers, writers, poets and romantic couples alike for centuries. Extremely popular during the Victorian era, these floriographies blossomed whether helping create a bespoke wedding bouquet or planning stunning garden planting combinations. The use of one particular plant over any other in any working is dependent on its ability to boost confidence in the possible inherent power of that plant and its potent magical elements such as the dandelion puff. Sunflowers represent ambition, constancy and devotion; the daisy childlike playfulness and beauty; the amaryllis adventurousness, passion and the purple tulip eternal love, the Salix or pussywillow illness recovery or receiving a blessing, the petunia creativity and a settled lifestyle, and the rose of Sharon hibiscus persistent love and protection. Four to six entries per page, each with a beautiful colour artwork, Latin and alternative names, symbolic meanings, folklore and facts. 256 large pages, 15.4 x 19cm approx. Colour throughout.

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Author S. Theresa Dietz
Product Format Paperback
ISBN 9781577154570
Published Price £19.99

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REALM DIVIDED: A Year in the Life of Plantagenet England

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Book number: 94833 Product format: Paperback Author: Geoffrey Ashe

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World expert on the history and archaeology of King Arthur and British myths and legends, Geoffrey Ashe explores compelling and ancient stories from King Lear and King Arthur, to Fingal, Beowulf, Gwendolen and Guinevere, the Giants King Albion, the 'Scots' from Ireland which made frequent raids on Britain, from the misty centuries of British and Irish prehistory to the height of the Dark Ages come tales of giants and fairy-folk, druids and saints, but who were these characters who shaped the nation? Ashe shows how these ancient stories have taken on fresh significance as historical and archaeological research has uncovered the truth behind each legend. 356pp, paperback.

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Author Geoffrey Ashe
Product Format Paperback
ISBN 9781804365199
Published Price £12.99

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Book number: 93925 Product format: Hardback Author: JOHN MATTHEWS

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Superbly illustrated heavyweight edition of the most famous and influential work of English fantasy ever published, reimagined for a new generation of readers by John Matthews, one of the world's leading Arthurian experts, and illustrated by internationally acclaimed Tolkien artist, John Howe. The tales of how the boy Arthur drew the Sword from the Stone, or the love of Lancelot and Guinevere, or how the knights of the Round Table rode out in search of the Holy Grail are known and loved the world over. It all began when an obscure Celtic hero named Arthur stepped on to the stage of history, sometime in the 6th century, and oral tales led to a vast body of stories from which, 900 years later, Thomas Malory wrote the famous Le Morte D'Arthur. The Great Book of King Arthur presents these well-loved stories for a modern reader, for the first time collecting many tales of Arthur and his knights either unknown to Malory or written in other languages. Here, you will read of Avenable, the girl brought up as a boy who becomes a famous knight. You will learn of Gawain's strange birth, his upbringing amongst poor folk and his final rise to the highest possible rank - Emperor of Rome. There is also the story of Morien whose adventures are as fantastic and exciting as any to be found in the pages of Malory. In addition, there are some of the earliest tales of Arthur, deriving from the tradition of Celtic storytelling. Here is the original Arthur, represented in such powerful stories as 'The Adventures of Eagle-Boy', and 'The Coming of Merlin', based on the early medieval text Vita Merlini, which gives a completely new version of the great Enchanter's story. These age-old stories, still as popular today as they were from the Middle Ages onwards, are dramatically brought to life by the luminous paintings and delicate detailed line drawings of John Howe, whose work on the Lord of the Rings and Hobbit film trilogies has brought him a world-wide following. Foreword by Neil Gaiman. Large 9.5 x 25.2cm, 406 glossy colourful pages.
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Product Format Hardback
ISBN 9780063243125
Published Price £30

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IN THE NAME OF THE GODS: The Mystery of Resonance

Book number: 93934 Product format: Hardback Author: DAVID ELKINGTON

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What is the secret that links the Great Pyramid of Giza to Chartres cathedral? How was ancient man, with use of sound, able to lift huge slabs of granite over 85 tonnes in weight? How and where is the body of Jesus to be seen in Egypt? Did you know that the term Nazarene relates to a mystical Order rather than the place Nazareth, and that long before Jesus, Pythagoras and Buddha were members of this Order? Why does it all lead back to the great pyramid at Giza and to strange patterns within the sand that respond to certain types of sound? The book reveals one of the greatest secrets to be told. It is the key to some of the most puzzling enigmas of world history, religion and mythology. Everything that exists does so because of vibration. But understand the science of vibration, learn how to use it and you will have the key to, well, everything. Knowledge like that would be worth a lot of money. The Templars became immensely wealthy after their search for knowledge in the Middle East. If we wish to know what knowledge they found, we only have to look at what happened next - cathedrals, scores of them, erected across Europe. The Ancients knew the science of vibration and also the power of names, holy names such as Jesus, Mary, Anna. Versions of these three names can be found world-wide, predating Christianity by several thousand years. Elkington's astonishing book will change the way we regard the world, its history - and its future. Rich with colour plates including the Eagle Nebula and other illus, 525 pages.

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Product Format Hardback
ISBN 9780953993000
Published Price £24.99

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