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Book number: 93972 Product format: Paperback Author: PIET CHIELENS & P. ALLEGAERT

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Bibliophile price £14.50
Published price £25

Sub-titled Soldiers and Ambulances 1914-1918 In Flanders Fields and Ypres, Soldiers and Psychiatrists 1914-2014, this book is a study of the suffering of war, which can be overwhelming. The book is exceptionally well illustrated with posters, colour artworks, archive images, modern photographs and some very harrowing photos depicting blown away body parts including faces, amputated legs and very badly injured soldiers which some may find distressing, but also angelic nurses and portraits and exquisitely beautiful artworks on every page. Offering both analysis and reflection, this intensely moving book looks at the way in which psychiatrists, reporters, artists and war photographers currently perceive and treat the psychological suffering, the often invisible legacy of those involved in war and human conflict. At the beginning of the first world war, not a single European army was prepared to deal with the large numbers of victims in a humanitarian way. How were injured soldiers taken care of and who did this? How were the victims evacuated, and how many were truly traumatised or were "male hysterics"? The firepower of the armies was increased, the defence reinforced, but victim care continued to lag seriously behind. Philanthropy, private initiative and the courageous efforts of many individuals had to make up for the failing medical care during the war. Read about the Friends' Ambulance Unit which was working under the flag of the British Red Cross and the work of the Quakers. As the war progressed, medical care also developed and organisation and relief improved. The greatest breakthrough was, however, the recognition - albeit reluctantly - of mental trauma caused by the war. During World War I, many soldiers fell victim to bizarre, anxious and disturbed behaviour, which was sometimes referred to as "shell shock". The army commanders seemed reluctant to recognise a formal diagnosis, questioning whether men were really traumatised or simply cowards who were trying to stay away from the horrific and terrifying reality of the Front. Whereas in the early 20th century, the focus was mainly on the shock itself and the outward physical symptoms, today there is a far more in-depth exploration of the complex nature of the human reaction to extreme stress, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. A rare import, 192 page extra large sized illustrated paperback, colour.
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ISBN 9789491376634

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Book number: 94203 Product format: Paperback Author: JOANNA CANNON

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Bibliophile price £4.50
Published price £8.99

Sub-titled 'A Junior Doctor's Stories of Compassion and Burnout', Joanna Cannon entered medicine as a mature student with more life experience than many younger doctors, but this did not protect her from the rudeness, exploitation, humiliation and patronising treatment by peers and superiors, and from near burn-out. She eventually fell on her feet in psychiatry, but the message of her book is about the immense value of 'the human effect in medicine' and the whole-person model. 'Words are never, ever, just words' she writes in the context of giving a diagnosis and it is equally true that there is no spare word in her book. Frank and compassionate, her memoir tells the story in heart-rending snapshots and we walk with her through the wards, facing extraordinary and daunting moments, from attending her first post-mortem, sitting with a patient through their final moments, to learning the power of a well or badly chosen word. In a profession where weakness remains a taboo, this beautiful and moving story brings to life the human stories of doctors and patients, and shows us why we need to take better care of those who care for us. It is a powerful hymn to the NHS and to the dedication of so many of its workers. 162pp, paperback.

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ISBN 9781788160582

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Book number: 94444 Product format: Hardback Author: DAVID GEORGE HASKELL

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Bibliophile price £7.00
Published price £12.99

Aroma is the primary language of trees. They talk with molecules, conspiring with one another, beckoning fungi, scolding insects and whispering to microbes. An olfactory journey which reboots our aromatic memory and reminds us of how our lives are intertwined with the wonder of trees. Each chapter summons a new aroma - leaf litter and wood smoke, pine resin and tannin, quinine and bay leaf - with a witty and erudite companion leading us through the woods and the world. The 13 essays explore the evocative scent of trees, from the smell of a book just printed as you open its first pages to the calming scent of Linden blossom and to the ingredients of a particularly good gin and tonic. The spikey, herbal odour of European juniper berries; a tang of lime juice from a tree descended from wild progenitors in the foothills of the Himalayas; bitter quinine from the bark of the South American cinchona tree, take a sip and feel the aroma and taste of three continents. Slow down, breathe in and experience a smell and allow your sensory awareness to activate and blossom. Sit under the boughs of a ponderosa pine. Roll a laurel leaf between your fingers or rest your hands upon the bark of your favourite tree. Inhale and share the story. 192pp, satin pagemarker.

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ISBN 9781856754880

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DRAW BREATH: The Art of Breathing

Book number: 94405 Product format: Hardback Author: TOM GRANGER

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Bibliophile price £8.00
Published price £14.99

Divided into three parts, Body, Mind and Spirit, with each expanding on the last, this is a book that so many of us need for our nervous system and mind. Sub-titled 'The Art of Breathing, Mindfulness and Meditation', take this book, pick up a pencil, draw breath and unleash your curiosity and creativity using over 200 guided patterns, shapes and mandalas. Explore a naturally relaxing, flowing breathing rhythm in a technique combining mindfulness, yoga and breathtaking art. There are quotations such as 'He who knows himself is enlightened' from Lao Tzu, lightbulb ideas, how to change your tune and switch frequencies, reframe your brain, get lost in thought, and begin naturally uplifting your mood with these handy tips, OM based on Hindu spirituality, circles of life and divine breath. Beautiful pink and blue art and text, satin pagemarker, 158pp, 75 beautiful illus. and 30 unique and easy activities.

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ISBN 9781787830332

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Book number: 94817 Product format: Paperback Author: Lysa Walder

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Bibliophile price £4.50
Published price £8.99

Real-life stories of heartbreak and hope, direct from the very frontline of the NHS. London born Lysa left school to join a travelling circus, working in Europe for four years as an acrobat and ring-mistress. In a slight change of direction, she qualified first as a nurse and then as a paramedic and finally an emergency care practitioner, spending over 20 years saving lives in the UK. Today she is happiest in the mountains of Tuscany but still works shifts in a London Urgent Care Centre. A teenage boy lies on the pavement, bleeding from a stab wound. A distraught mum watches in mute shock as her daughter suffers a terrifying fatal asthma attack. A young girl is gang-raped and her stricken boyfriend takes an overdose. A disturbed young man flings himself in front of a speeding train at the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve. Few people can imagine living in a world where such situations are part of everyday life. Yet for veteran paramedic Lysa Walder these and thousands of other emergency call outs are part of a day's work - scenes of tragedy, heroism, loss and horror, but also stories of triumph and humour. Working for over 20 years in the London Ambulance Service, the world's biggest and busiest free service for much of that time, she reveals what it's really like to work face-to-face with death and destiny every day. 282 page paperback.

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ISBN 9781789462043

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Book number: 94835 Product format: Hardback Author: Liz Dean

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'50 Signs, Symbols and Practices from the Natural World to Bring Inner Peace, Protection and Good Fortune', from a feather to a fallen leaf or a pebble on the beach, we are all drawn to collect natural charms. It is a living symbol of your wishes and this book is an invitation to collect and create your own natural charms for protection, personal insight, good fortune and healing. From a herb sprig or a fallen twiglet or shell, the book features folklore, symbology and practical rituals, alongside ancient crafts and modern techniques and how to use the gifts to make charms, talismans, amulets, altars and natural mandalas. Work with plants, trees, herbs, feathers, shells and stones, and for each there is a beautiful colour or line artwork and fact boxes for techniques such as making a altar to the sea, pressing seaweed and finding the significance of the crow for wisdom, the shadow self, courage, transformation and magic or the robin, a sign from a loved one in spirit. Exquisitely designed, full of colour and colourful pages, 240 natural pages full of wishes and blessings.

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Book number: 94849 Product format: Paperback Author: DR MIKE DILKES & A. ADAMS

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Bibliophile price £4.00
Published price £12.99

It seems that snoring is a voluntary habit and although you may not consciously have chosen to start it, you can certainly make the choice to stop. We are blissfully unaware of the real dangers of snoring and the consuming effects it has on every aspect of one's life. This book presents a targeted summary of the threats and a simple daily exercise routine to stop snoring altogether. It has an easy-to-follow action point plan which yield great results quickly with a five minute routine to life-hack yourself back into deep, restful sleep at night, and into a healthy, energetic and happy life every day. Looks at the risks of sleep apnoea, loss of concentration, impotence, poor memory, diabetes, hypertension, high blood pressure and heart attacks. Snoring is no joke. 78 page paperback.

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ISBN 9781409176206

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