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Book number: 94822 Product format: Hardback Author: Dr Melita Irving

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Understand your genetic code and a lot more about evolution, ancestry, health, genomics and epigenetics with a leading consultant from Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital who specialises in rare diseases and conditions with a genetic cause. In the big colour graphic layout Haynes Publishing is renowned for, explained simplistically but accurately is the history of DNA discovery, the law of dominance, segregation and independent assortment, inheritance patterns, gametes and zygosity. The DNA molecule is a double helix made up of two strands each containing a backbone of sugar and phosphate. Chromosomes are structures found inside the cell nucleus, tightly coiled strands of DNA, twisted around special proteins called histones. We should each have 46 chromosomes in total, 23 from our mother and 23 from our father. Females have two X chromosomes and males have one X and one Y chromosome. The X chromosome contains about 800 genes and in comparison the Y has only about 70 including the so-called sex-determining genes that makes someone with a Y male. There are sections on sequencing the human genome, genetic disorders, gene editing and outstanding breakthroughs in archaeology and science which are informing us about our past and defining our future. The book tracks DNA's fates in defining many aspects of our lives today, includes practical experiments, DNA in crime investigation, human evolution and medical science and the latest debates on cloning, commercial genetic testing and the microbiome. In this way the book brings together all the fascinating strands of genetic science and how DNA is being mapped, classified, utilised and understood. 160 very large pages, 21.6 x 28cm approx. Hundreds of colour illus. and diagrams and flow charts.

Additional product information

Author Dr Melita Irving
Product Format Hardback
ISBN 9781785215940
Published Price £22.99

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