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Book number: 94816 Product format: Paperback Author: Mick O'Hare

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Mind and bottom-blowing facts from history, science, sport and the universe by the bestselling author of Does Anything Eat Wasps? Did you know that ostriches don't bury their heads in the sand, that powdered rice is used as cement in the Great Wall of China, what 60% of the human population cannot smell and what on earth rhinotillexomania is? From flatulence, the solar system and the Universe, history, life on Earth, food, maths, science, the ocean, transport, arts, music and films, sport, the weather, royalty, religion, politics, human body, there are huge scientific questions and a quest for knowledge and the seemingly trivial has never been more fascinating. 208pp, paperback.

Additional product information

Author Mick O'Hare
Product Format Paperback
ISBN 9781915798947
Published Price £9.99

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