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Book number: 92866 Product format: Paperback Author: CHEN XIWO

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Bibliophile price £3.00
Published price £6.95

Lust, incest, greed, envy, pride, gluttony, murder. 'I haven't been much drawn to erotica or political allegory, but Chen Xiwo changed that.' - The Spectator. Chen Xiwo sued the Chinese authorities for banning this book, his terrifying exploration of the dark side of the human psyche. Seven novellas traverse a terrain of sexual and political deviance. In 'I Love My Mum', a disabled man who shares a bed with his mother becomes a murder suspect. In 'Kidney Tonic', a resident of an exclusive gated community indulges in voyeuristic fantasies about the sex lives of his neighbours. In 'Going to Heaven', the son of a village undertaker tries to convince his friend to enter a suicide pact. The author once worked as a 'mamasan' in a Tokyo brothel and is 'one of China's most outspoken voices on freedom of expression for writers.' A superb English translation, the text is designed to shock as we are taken into a dark world. 202pp, paperback.

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ISBN 9789881677563

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Book number: 92332 Product format: Hardback Author: INTRODUCED BY SARAH PERRY
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Book number: 92259 Product format: Hardback Author: DR CHRIS MCNAB
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Book number: 92574 Product format: Paperback Author: ANGELA HUTH
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Book number: 92893 Product format: Paperback Author: MATTHEW WILLIAMS
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Book number: 92925 Product format: Paperback Author: MIKE CARTER
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Book number: 93014 Product format: Hardback Author: KATE WINKLER DAWSON
Bibliophile price £5.00
Published price $27

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Book number: 92998 Product format: Paperback Author: Eleanor Herman

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Bibliophile price £3.50
Published price £12.99

'The Ins and Outs of Love and Lust Inside The White House' is the sub-title of this fascinating work of popular history by the New York Times bestselling author. She uncovers the bedroom secrets of American Presidents and explores the surprising ways voters have reacted to their leaders' sex scandals. Alexander Hamilton had a steamy affair with a blackmailing prostitute. Warren G. Harding once had to hide his mistress in a White House closet. John F. Kennedy swam nude with female staff in the White House swimming pool. Narcissism, a thirst for power, a desire for importance seem to go hand in hand with sexual promiscuity. In her eye-opening book, Eleanor Herman revisits some of the sex scandals that have shocked the public and asks provocative questions such as does rampant adultery show a lack of character or the stamina needed to run a country? Do Americans now care more about issues other than a politician's sex life? What is sex like with the most powerful man in the world? And when America finally elects a female president, will she too have sexual escapades in the Oval Office? Chapters include Thomas Jefferson's Pursuit of Happiness, Grover Cleveland's High Character, Woodrow Wilson's Throbbing Pulses, FDR and the Good-Looking Ladies, Gary Hart and the Monkey Business That Changed Everything, Bill Clinton Did Not Have Sex With That Woman, Donald Trump Can Do Anything, and From Ooh-La-La to Bunga-Bunga: The Political Sex Scandals of Other Nations. 367pp, paperback.

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ISBN 9780063021914

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Book number: 93074 Product format: Paperback Author: JEREMY BLACK
Bibliophile price £2.75
Published price £12.99
BRITISH MUSEUM: Storehouse of Civilizations
Book number: 94229 Product format: Hardback Author: JAMES HAMILTON
Bibliophile price £5.50
Published price £18.99
FRAGILE EARTH: Writing from The New Yorker
Book number: 94164 Product format: Paperback Author: DAVID REMNICK & HENRY FINDER
Bibliophile price £3.00
Published price £12.99
Book number: 93593 Product format: Paperback Author: ROBERT ANDREWS
Bibliophile price £5.50
Published price £13.99
Book number: 93575 Product format: Paperback Author: BEN LEWIS
Bibliophile price £2.75
Published price £9.99
Book number: 93264 Product format: Paperback Author: PETER WALLER
Bibliophile price £2.75
Published price £7.95

Browse these categories as well: Lucky Dip Clearance, Saucy Romps, Modern History/Current Affairs, Erotica

HIGH GLOSS: The Art of Vijat Mohindra

Book number: 93097 Product format: Hardback Author: VIJAT MOHINDRA

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Bibliophile price £10.00
Published price £35

Considered young Hollywood's favourite photographer, this ultra modernist and hyper-synthetic aesthetic appeals to the young at heart and the super saucy who love sexy photo shoots. He has acquired a dazzling celebrity clientele such as Miley Cyrus, Paris Hilton, Nicki Minaj, Gwen Stefani and Kim Kardashian West. Fascinated by all who defy norms, genders and boundaries, this former assistant of David La Chapelle never ceases to celebrate our differences in fantasy worlds where Paris Hilton eats an ice cream wearing a teeny frilly pair of panties and bra, Rita Ora looks painted and beautiful, a huge transvestite with yellow hair and black lipstick and nails holds a bottle of Chanel parfum, and in the same colour scheme a transvestite with a Marilyn Monroe blonde wig and huge breasts lies on a bright yellow and white rug wearing vertiginous black stilettos and surrounded by five fluffy white pussy cats. On the page before she is posed towering over a semi naked large lady on all fours. Glammed up to the nines, beautifully made up in feminine lingerie, furs and posed against colourful backgrounds and surreal settings, whether you are familiar with the models or not, these are the most striking, provocative, sensual, lustrous, colourfully created, bizarrely eccentric and fantastically imaginative set of photographs in an art book ever. Slip into some latex, squirt whipped cream over your bum, blow bubbles, pour milk all over the place, light a cigarette and enjoy these elegant and saucy romps. 256 large pages, 23.8 x 31cm.
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ISBN 9781419750243

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Book number: 92648 Product format: Hardback Author: BETTINA RHEIMS
Bibliophile price £3.50
Published price £42
@NATGEO: The Most Popular Instagram Photos
Book number: 94396 Product format: Hardback Author: NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC
Bibliophile price £7.50
Published price £12.99

Browse these categories as well: Last Chance to buy!, Saucy Romps, Erotica

ALL MAN! Hemingway, 1950s Men's Magazines

Book number: 93370 Product format: Hardback Author: DAVID M. EARLE

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Bibliophile price £2.50
Published price £39.95

The Nobel Prize-winning author Ernest Hemingway was a male icon in mid-20th century America, celebrated through numerous articles and images in pulp magazines which promoted what we would now regard as a highly sexist version of masculinity. Typically this included muscle-bound Tarzan types conquering a range of challenges from the impenetrable jungle to a yielding semi-naked heroine. The author of this book draws attention to the levels of post-traumatic stress in war veterans not only of World War II but also the Korean and Vietnam wars, and how American culture created a narrative of coping that arose out of the need to relive the war experience. Men's adventure magazines became a place where men could safely engage with sensationalised stories based on the traumas of battle, and these magazines also included pseudo-medical columns and ubiquitous female pinups. Wartime images of women embody the American ideal of womanhood, faithful, wholesome, often pictured with flags or saluting aircraft. But after the War the tone changed, becoming aggressively sexualised, using titillation and bondage to bolster a bruised masculine ego, and prompting one feminist to describe men's mags as an "undeclared war against American women". In 1959, a Man's Magazine article was entitled "Ernest Hemingway's Private War with Adolf Hitler", combining Hemingway's experiences on the Siegfried Line with his march to Paris. Such articles played down the fact that Hemingway was a war correspondent and never actually involved in fighting, although Rogue Magazine profiled him as suffering "ten concussions in combat". The "liberation of Paris" is one of the most persistent of Hemingway legends, and it is told here in a larger than life style, with "Papa" Hemingway, as he was known, depicted on the cover in his guise of he-man extraordinaire, together with an accompanying article on "How to prolong your sex life". A fascinating study of pulp magazines and Hemingway's role within them. 177pp, contrasting colour photos.
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ISBN 9781606350041

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Book number: 93489 Product format: Hardback Author: THOMAS DEVANEY
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Book number: 95204 Product format: Hardback Author: DOMINIC BLISS
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Book number: 94819 Product format: Paperback Author: Dr Malcolm Kendrick
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WILD AIR: In Search of Birdsong
Book number: 94681 Product format: Hardback Author: JAMES MCDONALD LOCKHART
Bibliophile price £5.50
Published price £18.99
Book number: 94649 Product format: Hardback Author: DAVID JOHN HINDLE
Bibliophile price £12.00
Published price £25
Book number: 93464 Product format: Paperback Author: NICK COPEMAN
Bibliophile price £1.75
Published price £10.99

Browse these categories as well: Literature & Classics, War Memoirs, Erotica, SALEC423

BOUCHER AND CHARDIN: Masters of Modern Manners

Book number: 93373 Product format: Paperback Author: EDITED BY ANN DULAU

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Bibliophile price £6.50
Published price £23

Almost exact contemporaries, the French painters Boucher and Chardin represent contrasting trends in the way women are depicted. This discerning book takes as its starting point two paintings of the mid-18th century, Chardin's "Lady Taking Tea" and Boucher's "Woman on a Daybed". It has been suggested that both painters used their wives as models, and both provide an intimate portrait of a woman's personal domestic life. Chardin was devoted to his first wife Marguerite, a young woman in poor health who died young. Boucher married the lively 17-year-old Marie-Jeanne for her looks, and neither of them was faithful. In "Lady Taking Tea", Chardin captures a quiet, contemplative moment. The woman seen in profile has downcast eyes as she stirs the tea in a blue and white cup, lost in her own thoughts. Boucher's "Woman on a Daybed", by contrast, is looking out of the picture slightly to the viewer's left, her lips pursed in the mischievous smile for which Marie-Jeanne was celebrated. Her elaborate dress is frilled down the front, and she extends her pointed foot in a high-heeled slipper to the end of the bed. Whereas Marguerite is retiring, Marie-Jeanne is provocative, and her surroundings emphasize this, with a curtain half open and crumpled clothes on the footstool. Both paintings feature a teapot, Chardin's in brown earthenware and Boucher's in blue and white china. The author goes on to investigate tea-drinking in other paintings, including Nicolas Lancret's erotic "Morning", in which the woman's breast is exposed as she pours tea for a male visitor. Scenes of women's lives from this period often have erotic content, but there is also a tradition of formal tea parties emphasizing the respectability of the sitters, for instance Hogarth's "An Assembly at Wanstead House", Richard Collins's "Tea Party" of 1725 with a family gathered reverentially round an expensive pewter tea service, or Francis Hayman's "Jonathan Tyres and his Family", an elaborately posed ensemble that can be seen in London's National Portrait Gallery. 144pp, large softback, chronology, numerous colour reproductions.

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ISBN 9781903470756

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Book number: 93405 Product format: Hardback Author: AMANDA J. THOMAS
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Book number: 93875 Product format: Paperback Author: NICOLE MASSON
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Book number: 93724 Product format: Paperback Author: KAI IWAMI
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Book number: 93719 Product format: Paperback Author: TIM DEDOPULOS
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Book number: 93694 Product format: Paperback Author: ALAIN ERLANDE-BRANDENBURG
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BELIEVE: A Pop-Up Book to Inspire You
Book number: 93692 Product format: Hardback Author: ROBERT SABUDA
Bibliophile price £12.50
Published price £20

Browse these categories as well: Art & Architecture, Erotica


Book number: 93379 Product format: Hardback Author: SARAH-BETH WATKINS

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Bibliophile price £4.00
Published price £19.99

Nell Gwyn would be aged about 10 when Charles II became king. At this time Nell lived in a slum with her mother and sister but soon she joined the theatre in Drury Lane, initially selling oranges. Women were now allowed to act on stage for the first time and Nell was spotted by two entrepreneurs who began training her as a comedienne. Following a spell in the country when the plague struck, Nell started to make a name for herself and was described by Pepys as "pretty, witty, Nell Gwyn". When her chance came, she directed a wink at the Royal box and was rewarded by an invitation to Charles's apartments. A famous liaison had begun, but Nell had rivals. One of them was the actress Moll Davis, and the jealous Nell contrived to give Moll a laxative before one of her evenings with the King, assisted by her friend Aphra Behn, a well-known female playwright and spy. Nell was much in demand as an actress, performing in plays by Dryden and Ben Jonson as well as more popular entertainments. She was becoming a star, and the King was impressed. He now spent more time with her than with his long-time mistress Barbara Villiers. In 1669 Nell became pregnant and gave birth to a son but was secure in the knowledge that she was now the main mistress, and was granted a house in Pall Mall soon afterwards. Nell was eventually supplanted by Louise de Kerouaille, whom Lady Worcester insulted by calling her a "tall French bitch" before kicking her repeatedly. Nell continued her friendship with the King and his associates such as Rochester until the end of her life, and this book details some fascinating examples of her involvement in political intrigue, including making sure that Charles was visited by a Catholic priest before his death. 184pp, black and white reproductions.

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ISBN 9781399000567

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Book number: 94712 Product format: Paperback Author: SAM KNIGHT
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FIRST CELEBRITIES: Five Regency Portraits
Book number: 95197 Product format: Hardback Author: PETER JAMES BOWMAN
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Book number: 95214 Product format: Hardback Author: MARK LAUSE
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GENTLEMAN JACK: A Biography of Anne Lister
Book number: 95200 Product format: Paperback Author: ANGELA STEIDELE
Bibliophile price £5.00
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Book number: 95194 Product format: Paperback Author: CLARENCE MAJOR
Bibliophile price £4.50
Published price £12.99

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Book number: 93420 Product format: Hardback Author: R. E. PRITCHARD

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Bibliophile price £7.00
Published price £19.99

Love's labours in the fair game of making matches, marriage contracts, courting and getting caught, the wedding day, the paradise of married women, slender maintenance, careless domineering, curious wits and courtly nymphs, Sweet Bessie and Robert the Other Robert, and Essex is not the way. This entertaining and informative book explores the surprisingly varied and energetic sex and love lives of the women and men of Queen Elizabeth's England. A range of writers, from the famous, such as Shakespeare, John Donne and Ben Jonson, and lesser-known figures popular in their time, provide, in their witty stories, poems and plays, vivid pictures of Elizabethan sexual attitudes and experiences, while sober reports from the church courts tell of seductions, adulteries and rapes. Here we also encounter private journals and scenes from ordinary marriages, with complaints of women's fashions, bossy wives and domineering husbands. Besides this, there are accounts of the busy whores of London brothels, homosexual activity and the Court's amorous carousel of predatory aristocrats, promiscuous ladies and hopeful maids of honour. We conclude with the frustrations of The Virgin Queen herself. Peek beneath the bedsheets of 16th century England in this affectionate, informative and fascinating look at "ramping" and sex and sexuality on a range of topics, from religious and moral beliefs to homosexuality and prostitution. Sir Francis Bacon wrote "Nuptial love maketh mankind: friendly love perfecteth it; but wanton love embaseth it." Quotes directly from poems, journals, plays, letters, sermons (mostly in modern spelling). B/w illus. 176 pages.

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ISBN 9781526754622

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Book number: 93155 Product format: Paperback Author: DEBBIE HARRY
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Book number: 93495 Product format: Paperback Author: CHRISTOPHER HILL
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Book number: 93379 Product format: Hardback Author: SARAH-BETH WATKINS
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Book number: 93540 Product format: Hardback Author: RHIANNON PAGET

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Bibliophile price £11.00

Meet the artist whose majestic breaking wave sent ripples across the world. Hokusai (1760-1849) is not only one of the giants of Japanese art and a legend of the Edo period, but also a founding father of Western modernism, whose prolific gamut of prints, illustrations, paintings and beyond forms one of the most comprehensive oeuvres of ukiyo-e art and a benchmark of japonisme. His influence spread through Impressionism, Art Nouveau and beyond, enrapturing the likes of Claude Monet, Berthe Morisot, Edgar Degas, Mary Cassatt and Vincent van Gogh. Hokusai was always a man on the move. He changed domicile more than 90 times during his lifetime and changed his own name through over 30 pseudonyms. In his art, he adopted the same restlessness, covering the complete spectrum of Japanese ukiyo-e, "pictures of the floating world", from single-sheet prints of landscapes and actors to erotic books. In addition, he created album prints, illustrations for verse anthologies and historical novels, and surimono, which were privately issued prints for special occasions. Hokusai's print series 'Thirty-Six Views of Mount Fuji', published between c.1830 and 1834 is the artist's most renowned work and, with its soaring peak through different seasons and from different vantage points, marked the towering summit of the Japanese landscape print. The series 'Under the Wave off Kanagawa', also known simply as The Great Wave, is one of the most recognized images of Japanese art in the world. This introduction spans the length and breadth of Hokusai's career with key pieces from his far-reaching portfolio. New from Taschen, 21 x 26 cm, 96 pages.

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ISBN 9783836563376

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Book number: 94828 Product format: Paperback Author: EDITED BY JON E LEWIS
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HEROES OF THE RNLI: The Storm Warriors
Book number: 94660 Product format: Paperback Author: MARTYN BEARDSLEY
Bibliophile price £8.00
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HIROSHIGE & EISEN: The Sixty-Nine Stations
Book number: 94514 Product format: Hardback Author: RHIANNON PAGET & ANDREAS MARKS
Bibliophile price £22.50
Book number: 94268 Product format: Unknown Author: THE GIFTED STATIONERY COMPANY
Bibliophile price £8.50

Browse these categories as well: Art & Architecture, Erotica, Art and Photography from Taschen publishers

DESIRE: 100 of Literature's Sexiest Stories

Book number: 93567 Product format: Hardback Author: EDITED BY MARIELLA FROSTRUP

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Bibliophile price £10.00
Published price £25

The Edwardian heroine Eveline with her unstoppable sexuality opens this collection of stories where desire is the driving narrative force. Eveline's highly explicit encounter with the anonymous priapic gentleman in a railway carriage epitomises a common fantasy of having sex with a complete stranger. The first section, headlined "Awakening Desire", also includes Kate Chopin's "A Respectable Woman" who fights an intense desire for her husband's friend and overcomes it - or does she? "A Night in a Moorish Harem" incorporates several stories of enthusiastically lost virginity, while extracts from Dracula and Lady Chatterley's Lover need no introduction. D. H. Lawrence describes not just a sexual encounter but also the awkwardness of class-consciousness and the fear that the lovers may be using each other, shot through with the awareness that not every sex act is satisfying for both parties. Angela Carter's nightmarish "The Bloody Chamber" is a feminist rewriting of the Bluebeard fairy tale, powerfully atmospheric in its Gothic detail. The second section, "Burning Desire", opens with an extract from Cleland's celebrated 18th century novel Fanny Hill, for which Cleland was first prosecuted, then given a government pension. Fanny, like many of this book's heroines, offers a half-hearted refusal but is soon carried away by "effusions of pleasure". "The life and amours of Kate Percival" may be genuine Victorian erotica or a later pastiche, but either way Kate is up for lesbian and well as straight sex. Molly Bloom's monologue from the conclusion of Joyce's Ulysses is a justly celebrated stream of consciousness. In Roald Dahl's "The great switcheroo" the narrator lusts after the unattainable Samantha Rainbow and plots with her husband to swap beds for the night, using the same aftershave and approaching sex the same way in the dark. But he gets rather more than he bargained for. The final section "Darkest Desire" looks at the more unvarnished aspects of sex, sometimes brutal and often involving revenge, starting with the Marquis de Sade's Justine. Heavyweight 720pp.

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ISBN 9781784975449

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MOST DANGEROUS BOOK: The Battle for James Joyce's Ulysses
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JAGUAR E-TYPE: British Motoring Masterpiece
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PORTRAIT: The Life of Thomas Eakins
Book number: 93411 Product format: Paperback Author: WILLIAM S. MCFEELY
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Book number: 93560 Product format: Paperback Author: CATHERINE SANDERSON
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Book number: 93107 Product format: Paperback Author: ROBIE HARRIS & MICHAEL EMBERLE

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Bibliophile price £5.75
Published price £11.99

Over one million copies have sold and now we have at last acquired the new 20th anniversary edition to sell at a bargain price of this classic sex education book for school children ages ten and up. Very well illustrated with colour drawings, completely up-to-date, it answers lots and lots of questions which young children will be asking about their changing bodies, growing up, and sex. Straight, lesbian, gay, bisexual transgender, all kinds of bodies are explained with sex organs, body, puberty and hormones, taking care of your body, new and changing feelings and masturbation. It moves on to families, babies and children, genes and chromosomes, kissing, cuddling, touching and sexual intercourse, pregnancy, birth, other ways to have a baby and a family, abstinence and contraception, abortion, and the law, texting, messaging, emailing and being online (helpful, fun, creepy, dangerous), talking about sexual abuse, sexually transmitted diseases, HIV and AIDS and staying healthy, and making responsible choices. The birds and the bees have never looked quite like this, and after watching those scary birthing films of 40 and 50 and 60 years ago at school, nowadays millions of young people (ages 10 - 14) have turned to this honest, reliable, accurate and up-to-date and accessible colour handbook. 21x26cm softback, 96pp, colour illus.

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ISBN 9781406356045
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