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All books are hardback and are in mint condition unless specified in the description.
  • Why are Bibliophile's books so cheap?
  • Is there a membership fee?
  • How do I search for the titles I want?
  • When you sell out of a title, will you be getting more copies in?
  • Are your books damaged?
  • Do you have a minimum order?
  • Can I put books on order?
  • Will you put books on 'hold' for me?
  • How do I search for books?
  • I don't want to buy now but I'd like to have the full reviews of the books from you so I can go over them at my leisure. How do I do this?
  • How do I cancel all or part of an order?
  • Can I return an order?
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 Why are Bibliophile's books so cheap?
 In many cases, our mint condition books are publisher
 overstocks, exactly as originally published. See full definition here.
Choosing the number to print has never been an exact science and
 Bibliophile culls backlists and offers to reduce stocks for
 publishers. Owner Annie Quigley gambles and buys in bulk and this is
 how we can pass savings at such a discount to our customers.

Is there a membership fee?
No. Bibliophile has never charged its members for its free catalogue of bargain books since 1978. Free per annum, 10 catalogues.
How do I search for the titles I want?
Bibliophile has several ways to help you find titles you'll love. Browse our Category Pages using the category list on the left to help match your interests, use our search engine to find a specific book or check out our homepage for the latest best sellers and new arrivals. If you just wish to browse though, use the category listing on the left-hand side.
When you sell out of a title, will you be getting more copies in?
Due to the great prices out titles feature, we sell a tremendous number of books and our stock has a very quick turnover. This means that a book that's available today may be gone tomorrow. We may get more copies of a title in from a publisher, but there are no guarantees or ways to predict this. We suggest you order as quickly as possible to ensure availability.  
Are your books damaged?
No. They are all in mint condition, exactly as published, unless otherwise stated.
Do you have a minimum order?
No. Order as few books as you like, but please keep in mind that the minimum shipping/handling charge is £3.50 plus postage for overseas orders.
Can I put books on order?
We regret that we cannot order books by 'title' for you from publishers.
Will you put books on 'hold' for me?
All our books are sold on a first-come, first-served basis and stock is constantly updated with new books coming in and other books going out of stock. Therefore, we are unable to 'hold' books on promise of payment. We suggest that you order as soon as you find a book that you like to purchase.  
How do I search for books?
You may search by Title, Author, Description, Format, Category, Price or ISBN number from our Advanced Search page.
I don't want to buy now but I'd like to have the full reviews of the books from you so I can go over them at my leisure. How do I do this?
No problem. You can request our free catalogue. Bear in mind though that the availability of books in stock is subject to change without notice, so check our website for the number of copies remaining before ordering.  
How do I cancel all or part of an order?
Just send an email to customercare@bibliophilebooks.com We will do the rest.
Can I return an order?
Only UK orders are returnable.
Why haven't I received any email confirmations?
If you have placed an order through Bibliophile or you have received an order, but have never received any contact from us, then your email address may be misspelled in your profile. To double-check this, please view your account details.
Is it safe to use my credit card?
  Shopping at Bibliophile is completely safe and every purchase is backed
  by our Privacy Policy. Our secure server software encrypts information
  to ensure that your transactions are private and protected

What about Privacy?Please see our Member Privacy and Policy statement for more details.

What forms of payment do you accept?

We accept all major credit and debit cards: Visa/Delta, Switch/Maestro, Mastercard/Eurocard; postal orders denominated in Pounds Sterling; or cheques denominated in Pounds Sterling and drawn on a UK bank.

Do you provide a receipt?
Yes it will be enclosed with the book/s.

If you are sending as a gift to a third party, they will not see the prices you paid on their receipt note.

Can I phone in my order?
We encourage you to use our secure Web site to place orders, however, if you are not comfortable using your credit card online, then, yes, we will be happy to take your order over the phone.
The number in Central London is 0207 474 2474 manned during office hours or answerphone or by Fax on 0207 474 8589.

When do you charge my credit card?
When you place your order we require your 3 digit security code to obtain electronic authorisation of the card number and then we wait until your order is packed and ready to be shipped before processing the charge.

Shipping and Handling Costs
Our handling charges cover the cost to pick and pack orders from our warehouse. Our shipping charges include:

    • Packaging.
    • Wages to pack and despatch each order.
    • Delivery costs to post office.
    • Actual postage.
    • Customer service.
    Please see our table of Shipping costs for more information on country specific charges.
    See our Terms and Conditions for Our Guarantee.