Rivers are extraordinarily beautiful, from the trickle of a stream at its source and its gentle meandering bends, to the expansive estuaries as they meet the sea. In more than 200 images, learn how to tackle each stage of painting rivers, from inspiration, focus and sketching, to information gathering, planning and painting. The author Rob Dudley is an experienced artist known for his riverscapes and takes the opportunity in this book to share his methods and techniques for landscape and en plein air artists. There are fantastic step-by-step demonstrations for artists to follow as they attempt to paint a boat on the side of a river in 'Woodbridge Workings' or create a sunset at Aveton Gifford. The demonstration for 'Looking Upstream from Greenwich' will show artists how to transport their audience to a London skyline and artists can study the texture of water and stone in 'Butterbrook Cascade'. The guide takes a painter from drawing out the main elements of a scene and applying a 'wash' of lemon yellow and rose to the background, to painting details such as a river bank and reflections of the landscape in the water. The guide not only shows pictures of each step in the painting but also lists the type of paper needed, required materials and equipment such as masking fluid and a palette, and artists? quality watercolours. Learn that it is important to be selective when painting and, if an artist feels the feature may dominate the composition, they can exclude it, such as ignoring a fallen tree in a woodland scene. Discover how to make a brush that creates a watery texture in one swoop using masking fluid and a round bristle. The guide also includes fantastic advice on the necessities for painting rivers, from selecting the perfect brush to paint details and picking out the perfect painting board for stretching paper, to understanding how to mix greens from Windsor blue with lemon yellow, cobalt blue with cadmium yellow, or adding a little burnt sienna to a ready mixed green to create a softer colour. Paperback, 8.8" x 11", colour images, 160pp.
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